RIP OLG Mohawk poker room 2012-2016
So after playing and bubbling a sit n 'go last Saturday at Jeff's place (Doghouse Poker Room) in Georgetown, my buddy Dave and I headed for Mohawk to play in the last night of cash ever to be played there. There was one full table going at 11:30pm and we managed to get the other table going for awhile before we transferred over to the main table. There were a lot of familiar faces and it was a fun night of poker with many laughs. The game wrapped up around 4:30 am with Dave and I playing the last hand of cash games at Mohawk is a selfie that Dave took...
Alas, it wasn't the very last poker hand to be played in the building though, as the day to follow (or rather later that same day Sunday) was scheduled the final tournament ever at OLG Mohawk at 2pm.
Once again the tournament was sold out at 20 runners and the two electronic table were filled. My friend Walt who has been grinding at Mohawk since pretty much Day 1 chopped 1st with AB. Another friend, Rod finished third. At the players request Raf, the poker room manager since it opened, agreed to run another $120 tournament for us players. There were 14 degens that played. I don't know who ended up playing the last hand and winning the final tournament - but congratulations! I busted early in the second and managed to final table the first go. Raf gave away some swag to the final table which was a nice touch. Thanks again Raf and good luck with the new position with OLG.
I think a lot of us who played there over the last few years are sad to see it close. We even joked about chaining ourselves to the Poker Pro tables and doing a sit in There was a real sense of comoradrie (sp?) playing in the room - let's not forget poker is also a social game for many. During the tournament as each player was eliminated, he'd go around and shake everyone's hand and wish them a farewell. There were some pats on the back and many heart felt hand shakes before the person left the room.
During my time spent at Mohawk I met some great people there playing poker and many of us have become good friends. Some of whom I have travelled to Niagara Falls, Montreal and Vegas with. I hope to see many of you again at the tables....