So, I took my daughter and her friend into Toronto today so they could attend a You Tube forum panel thing downtown.
The Dad Taxi left me with 4 hrs to kill and no much going on in TO today. I considered Ripley's, but, I'd rather do that with the family.
It was Sunday at 10:15 a.m, traffic was light and weather good, so, I decided to backtrack to Woodbine and hang out at the Casino.
I've never played the Electronic Poker tables, so, I did a stalk by the poker room when I got there to check it out. 1 table of 1/2 NL going and a 3 person wait list for 1/2, 2/5 etc. Not much going on, given its 10:30 Sunday am.
Went and played slots for 1/2 hr to get my nerve up to bother with opening the Poker Pro acct etc.
Im up and down like a $5.00 Hooker on the slots, in the end, I piss away 35.00. Decided that that was enough slots and go back to the poker room.
15 Mins later I have my Poker Acct set up, only a $100 loaded on the Card, which i realize now was probably a mistake as no way to reload at the table if I got short during the game.
Swiped for 1/2 NL, which resulted in a new table forming as there was now 10ppl on the 1/2 list.
When i reached the table 2 guys were already seated, talking about how things went for them the night before. I was seat 10, seat 1 noticed I was kinda staring at the screen, and he walked me thru getting set up the first time. Pretty much set a target on myself as a newb as well, which i didn't really mind.
As Bristol Street Poker on Rogers TV confirmed, i'm a poor Tournament Player, and I'm even worse at Cash, but, the next 2 1/2 hrs was fun.
First hand, 5 way limped pot that I'm not in. unpaired random board with no Ace leads to UTG all in and called by a set of 3's.
UTG had limped with KK and got stacked for his 100.00. This was the first of his 3 stackings in the first hour.
I had loaded all 100 in to start. Picked up JJ in early position, raised to 8, it was called, then reraised and that was called back around. flop AKx, i let go of my JJ, hand did not go to showdown.
Few hands later, buddy who limped KK, limped, reraised and called all-in with QQ, only to find himself up against KK.
No luck for him and happy limper is down his second buyin.
There were very few limped pots. Standard raises of 8-12, not too many 3 bets. Table mood was light, seemed as 5 or 6 of the players all knew each other. Maybe more.
I pick up AKo, raise to 8, get called in 3 spots, Axx flop. I cbet and win a smallish pot. to get back up over starting stack.
I'm sitting at approximately 150, when I pick up AKo again. Limped in a few spots to me, I raise to 14, called 3 times. Flop comes ssk, player bets 1/3 pot to me, I raise, he shoves and I call. He has 510s, my AKo holds up and I've tripled up to 300.
I lose some pots calling small raises with 910d, QJs and the like. My 1010 looks small on a AKx flop. so, i'm down to 200ish.
I pick up AJo, call a small raise and 4 of us see a flop of JA2, rainbow. I call a bet of 15.00 from Happy Limper who's sitting with about 85 after his reload and winning a small pot. No one else calls. Turn is and A giving me a full house. Happy Limper bets into me, I raise, he is all in and he shows A2 for a smaller full house for his 3rd stack gone. He reloads.
My 300ish stack I run down to 120, my 910c can't crack a short stacks AA when he had made a small raise and it was folded back to me. I flopped a 10 and there seemed to be enough in the pot to call his cbet and pray. His AA holds up.
I do a few other random dumb call/folds till my last hand of note.
I pick up AJc and end up heads up against the guy that had helped me get sorted out a few hours ago, 2 clubs on the flop, he bets, I call, turn is a nice looking club. He check/calls my small bet. River pairs the board and I pucker up like the nit that I am and it goes check check and I win with my flush.
I left a short while later so I could get back downtown to pick up my daughter and her friend while sitting at $175.
The overall experience was good. Usual table chatter about how Woodbine tables are rigged, its a known local fact that you see way more 4 of a kinds, FH over FH etc at Woodbine so they can have the rake...reminded me of being on Poker Stars without having to type/read the chat box.
Id recommend it to you competent cash game players. These guys are bad with the confidence of thinking they are great. Long term, I like you guys chances.
Slots- -35
Poker- +75
Traffic was great going in and out of Toronto today. The trip to Woodbine beat another lunch at Gretzky's waiting for my daughter.