Final Chapter...
Okay, so that didn't go so well. I blew up right towards the end Day 1 at my first main event WPT. I didn't get any hands that I could really play with the remainder of Day 1, so I limped into Day 2 with was going to be tough with just over 9bbs to do battle with.
I found my friend Dave and he just finished up on a table that Timex was playing at. Dave wasn't too happy either because he suffered a late hit to his stack and was down to around 24k that he bagged up for Day 2.
We discussed a few hands and shared some stories about our poker encounters and then got right back to business on the cash tables. We decided to hit the $1/2 table and have some fun to close the day. I ran my $200 stack up fairly quickly and before I knew it I had around $700 in front of me. That's when I ordered my first Heineken. the end of the night I had given it all back plus my initial buy-in. I had lots of fun and was feeling no pain. Dave took my keys and insisted on driving me back to my bnb when we finally got out of Playground that night. Thanks buddy!! After all , we had Day 2 to look forward to!
A chip and a chair....
The next morning I was feeling a little fuzzy from all the Heinekens the night before but, I was feeling the excitement - Day 2 of the WPT main event! Got cleaned up, popped a few Advil and went down the corner from my place to grab breakfast. The owner of the cafe was nice enough to call me a cab which I took back to the Playground poker club.
I met Dave at the Rail, the restaurant that is part of the club. He was just sitting down to breakfast. We looked over our table draws...blondefish had sent me some info the night prior. And we talked a little strategy and I looked over some Nash Equilbrium ( push/fold) charts to prepare for my eventual dual with my small stack.
My Day 2 table draw included Caitlin Hall again - she fired another bullet on Day 1c, poker pro Marc Etienne McLaughlin, a friend from OLG Mohawk named Steve (wow what a coincidence) and Robert "Dr. No" Nortkin. This chap from Toronto had won the Canada Cup the previous year at Playground for a sweet six-figure payday. Robert happened to have an even shorter stack than I did at the table, which he explained away why he found himself in such a predicament. I kept my mouth shut.
Short-stacked but happy!
Dr. No was the first to go. Then came my turn. I survived an orbit, and then looked down at Q J x and it was time to release them back into the chip pool and cross my fingers. I had around 6bb's behind at that point and my shove is unexploitabke based on the tables I studied earlier that day. It folded around to the small blind who was my friend from OLG Mohawk. He almost looked sad when he shoved and reluctantly turned over to show me A A. As the table looked on the flop ran out J A 10. My friend with the Aces was calling for. K ball for me, but it wasn't to be. I wished my table luck, shook Steve's hand I was out in 275th.
I went to sit down and text my friend Dave the news and I looked up and saw him walking towards me. Sadly he had just busted too with a pair of 4's on the button. In his case, the SB woke up to pocket queens. He was full of hope when the flop came K K 4 but alas, the poker gods were cruel when a Q hit the turn followed by a K on the river. At least he won the last longer....
Dave decided to head out right away and make the 6 hour drive home. I came to the same conclusion and decided to head for home as well. I tracked down blondefish as he had asked me the day before if he could catch a ride back to Oakville.
I got to know him a little better on the long drive, we talked about our families a little and a lot about poker. I really enjoyed it...and I am looking forward to seeing him again.
I want to congratulate Steve K on his deep run on Day 2. He overcame some big hits on his Day 1c stack by taking some badbeats, but grinded his stack back up. Also, congrats to all of the guys that I saw at Playground that won their seat to the main, well done!
Thanks for reading the TR...hope you enjoyed it.