CFP Heads Up Challenge 2015
Omaha Edition
Please read the entire post, some things have changed to make things a little more simple and to allow for better play.
You have to be a member of PokerStars Home Game follow instructions below.
Click the 'Join a Poker Club' button
- CFP Heads Up
- Enter my Club ID number: 1986206
- Enter my Invitation Code: Heads Up 2015
That's it! Once I've approved your membership request, you will be in the tournament, provided you have paid the entry fee.
Date: Sept. 21, 2015
If you have a desire to play please indicate in the thread. please be sure to list both your forum name as well as your stars name.
Cost: 5.00. When transfered to Prophet22 your registration will be complete
Suggested Instructions:
1. Find your opponent.
2. pm opponent and schedule match.
3. Send me a pm or post your request here and I will create it for you. Note: Give me 24 hours if possible. I will try and have some random games set up for this every night.
4. Play your game. gl!
5. Post the result here and I will update the tournament bracket.
6. As soon as your next opponent is set, contact him and repeat. Keep the tournament moving please!
7. You have two weeks to complete a round. If you are having trouble getting hold of an opponent let me know and a decision will be made on your match.
8. Registration closes at midnight September 20th, 2015
9. Random Draw will be posted by noon Sept. 21
10. Each game will cost you .11 cents that is paid to stars. Notice the new payout structure.
11. The 2 semi finialist losers will play for 3rd place and play by round 4 rules.
Click the 'Join a Poker Club' button
- Enter my Club ID number: 1986206
- Enter my Invitation Code: Heads Up 2015
That's it! Once I've approved your membership request, we'll be ready to start playing Home Games online together.
Round 1 completed by October 4th
3 min blinds; 1500 chips best 2 out of 3
Round 2 completed by October 18th
3 min blinds; 2000 chips best 2 out of 3
Round 3 completed by November 1st
5 min blinds; 5000 chips best 2 out of 3
Round 4 completed by November 15th
5 min blinds; 5000 chips best 2 out of 3
Round 5 completed by November 29th
10 min blinds; 10000 chips best 2 out of 3
First Place 50%
Second Place 30%
Third Place 20%