I had been in Calgary last week for a wedding and received the bad news when I returned home that my cat got out at night a few days ago and had not returned.. he was an older cat (13) who I have had for pretty much half my life.
The longest he was ever away from home was a day which was several years ago.. so I assumed the worst and just now someone saw one of the lost cat signs that and been put up and informed me he had been hit by a car and died very shortly after in someones arms.. we lost his sister a few years ago to liver failure which was very hard to see her slowly die at the vets who for days did not know what was wrong with her.. this helped prepare a little bit but the pain has been tough the past few days.. in anycase it is at least comforting to know what happened and he didn't suffer.
Tough one Macke.. It is rough I know.. They count on you and love you unconditionally.
Sorry man
It was very kind for them to call and let you know. Sorry for your loss.
They are a part of the family. Sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry to hear that. RIP kitty.
Sorry to hear that.
I lost my 26 year old cat (yeah, 26!) while out of town a couple months back, and just last week had the 9 year old one lose a fight with a racoon (he's still hanging in there)
So I feel your pain... pets suck!!
Sorry to hear about that. Thats The worst part about having a pet, is knowing they will one day go. Wish It was a smoother transition for you though, and on your terms.
It's hard keeping my mind off him.. I still expect he'll come chasing after me in the hall and whenever i leave the bathroom leaving a little stream of water on for him in the sink.. *sigh*
Sorry to hear this Macke. Toughest part about owning pets . . .
GTA Poker
Have you called the city or local shelters? Send me you info on FBook and I'll see what I can do from work tomorrow.
Card Dead
The day you get a pet is the first of the best days of your life, but you are almost assuredly guaranteed it will be followed by the worst day of your life. We unexpectedly lost our first dog (featured in my profile pic) over 2 years ago now, and I think it's safe to say we'll never get over it. The hardest part is when you happen to share your feelings with non-pet people who then dismiss it or look at you like you're moron. This is why the more people I meet, the more I love my dog.
I feel your pain man and I'm very sorry for your loss.
Just read this...sorry for your loss...very sad.