Toronto Pimp
Looking forward to meet a couple more of the guys tomorrow. If you are playing tomorrows tournament post up and i will buy you a beer during the first break.
good luck to all.
I'm planning to be there - likely wearing my grey University of Waterloo hoody. You may recognize me from some of Moose's trip report photos. SeektheGrail is thinking about playing also.
Hey Mike! I will be there too. See you tomorrow.....Steve
Toronto Pimp
Oh boy..... Best i can hope for is 3rd place....... 4th if Trigs shows too.
See you guys there, i just pre-registered and i was #28. This one usually gets 70-80 runners.
I will be the fat guy in the red button up shirt.
Toronto Pimp
Dog got that shirt muddy, black and grey golf shirt. But still a fat guy.
Not going again ffs. Started a course on Tuesday and work load is WAY more than I was planning. Fml.
EDIT: gl to those playing. hopefully i can finally get out there this sunday (i'm pretty sure my course doesn't make me work on weekends...)
Toronto Pimp;393707 wroteOh boy..... Best i can hope for is 3rd place....... 4th if Trigs shows too.
See you guys there, i just pre-registered and i was #28. This one usually gets 70-80 runners.
I will be the fat guy in the red button up shirt.
Who is that stupid looking guy beside you?
Gl in the tourney!
Toronto Pimp
blinds were 400/800 75 ante.
i was at $11,000 left from starting stack of $15,000 and very card dead.
got AsKs and raised from the button to 2000 and got 3 callers.
flop comes 10h Js Kd and it gets checked around to me and i bet 4000 first guy folds next guy calls.
turn is 2s guy checks again and i shove my last 5000 in.
Guy had 10 J off and had me beat from the flop.
River was a brick and i had to do the walk of shame and say goodbye to jacnok and seekthegrail.
good luck guys, hope you both final table.
side note........ On jacnoks table a guy lost an all in 1:20 seconds into the tourney........that has to be a new record.
Toronto Pimp;393719 wroteside note........ On jacnoks table a guy lost an all in 1:20 seconds into the tourney........that has to be a new record.
i once saw a guy bust a chick in the first hand in probably less than 1 minute. she pushed all in he asked her how much it was lol. she just stared at him for a second and said "same as you. it's the first hand". then he promptly called and rivered her to knock her out.
SeektheGrail went out shortly after we were down to four tables - he was short stacked and tried to make a move but got called by a better hand. I went out in 25th - shoved J-10 with about 6 BBs got called by A-6 diamonds, the flop is 789 giving me a straight but there's two diamonds and the turn and river bring more diamonds.
That first hand at my table was wild. Two guys see a flop with K hearts, 10 hearts, and a rag. First guy leads out big, second guy flats and the turn is another heart. First guy bets big again and second guy flats. River is another small heart and first guy bets half his remaining stack, second guy goes all in, first guy calls and flips over J-J no heart, second guy has Q-5 hearts for the 2nd nut flush.
SeektheGrail stayed to play some 4-8 limit but I headed home.
Nice to meet you Pimp. Hope you can make it to Moose's sometime.
Thankfully I managed to win back my entry playing 4-8 limit so not too bad for me.
My table at the tourney was kind of strange in the following sequence of hands shows and I would of loved to see what the ruling would of been.
First hand to note is a player with around 3k at 300-600 moves all in the hijack and gets isolated by the button for 11k. Everyone else folds. The guy announces he only looked at 1 card and flips over the As then the other card he turns over the 5s. The button has QsKs and the As5s ends up winning the all in and now has around 7k.
About 5 hands later the same guy is UTG and shoves all in for now around 6k and it folds to a short stack who calls for around 5k on the button. The BB who has around 20k now hems and haws and before the BB has acted the first guy announces I only looked at 1 card and its the same as the last time.
The BB ends up folding A-9 and Mr I only looked at one card ends up with A-2 and loses to the shorter stacked J-J.
After the hand the J-J is quite upset as he thought if the guy had not talked about his hand the BB would of called and he would of tripled up. I think his logic is flawed and the BB even said I would of called if it was heads up but it left me wondering what ruling would of been made for effectively showing a card and would Brantford ever penalize a player? In this case the guy busted the next hand anyway.
And I concur Mike. Hope you can make it to Moose's game sometime. Good times!
I don't know what type of penalty system that Brantford uses, if any, but at most tournaments (including the WSOP) giving away information like this about a live hand has been cause for a one round penalty.
Speaking to first hands, I have done very well at that, once flopping quads while checking in the dark made a few chips, another tournament flopped a set, opp made smaller set on the turn, we both filled up on the river, I shipped the 2nd nuts got called, in the rules it states something like your guaranteed one hand, well there is your one hand!
Toronto Pimp
Played the $330 today at brantford. I made a stupid move when I shouldn't have and i busted out like a bitch.
Wetts was 2 seats to my right and he was playing like a champ. He knows when to to put pressure on and when to sit back and let the opponent lead out. He was top 3 or so in chips when i left with around 30 left in the tourney.
i only ever met him the one time at Bills but he is a very very good player.
Tx. I thought that was you (seat 5 at the first table ya?). Ended up scooping for the full 5k in what was one of the easier tournaments Ive played, everything just seemed to work, was never allin, etc. Almost chopped 4 ways but then I remembered #nochops.
Toronto Pimp
Congrats, you played very well. Glad you won the whole thing with no chops.
Congrats Wetts