There was a wild game last Saturday night at Mohawk $1/2 table. A guy walked out of there with just under $4700.00
Average pot size was around $190.00
I managed to leave up around $700.00
Mohawk continues to see a lot of good action on the weekends. We even got a decent cash game going on Sunday after the tournament.
Saturdays tournament had 16 runners and Sunday's was sold out at 20. I think they turned away 6 or 7 people.
Indeed...unfortunately there is not any action there through the weekdays. The only games are on Friday night, and the weekend. Usually there isn't a cash game after the Sunday afternoon tournament but, we spread the word and managed to get it going. It was worth the effort.
I would hate to see the Mohawk room close (I'm not implying that it will anytime soon) as it is the closet to where I live - Kitchener. There are a lot of people that play there on a fairly regular basis. I'm a little surprised it doesn't get see action more often. It is important to support these rooms if we want them to thrive.
I know that not everyone likes the PokerPro tables but, they do offer a few advantages to a typical poker room. Namely, you see a lot more hands per hour, there are no dealing mistakes, and you don't have to tip. The rake is fairly standard at 10% to a maximum of $5.00.
The poker room manager does a great job running the room, and is willing to run different games/tournaments if there is enough interest.