Good day all, just curious as to who here plays often, or at all on 888? I've been playing 99% over the past 6 yrs solely on party and am thinking about trying out 888.
I play exclusively sng's and mtt's micro to $200, mostly $5-50. From what I have gathered there software seems stable, and enjoyable. And overall reading mostly positive reviews. Minor bugs aren't really a concern as anyone who plays on party regularly is quite used to many.
What are your opinions on the site, traffic, softness (compared to party if you have experience in both).
Lots of rec players or reg fests? Party seems to be turning into reg festivals but I would assume both are softer then stars.
Hoping for something similar to party and 888 seems like it could be the best fit, in offerings, and traffic I would assume is close.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: Also, is PT4 working properly on their site?
GTA Poker
Software is terrible, it actually has bugs in gameplay at times. Cash games are soft (PLO).
Thx for the reply GTA. Have you played on party at all? The first thing to come to mind to the majority of party players is 'Terrible software' in which I've dealt with forever now and am fairly accustomed too so a little glitchy won't really bother me too much.
Just want to try something new but not really interested in stars or tilt.
As for bugs.....haven't been able to register yet as apparently my birthdate red flags their system in that I am under 18. Which won't allow me to complete the registration process. Bad start I guess. Luckily I have a bit of patience.
Anyone else here play 888 and have any of their own inputs, or play micro-mids and can chime in on how they are?
Regs/fish ratio is about the same on party and 888, both way softer than stars.
No deals allowed in mtts sucks ass, and if you have the winning hand it glitches like 5 seconds before getting the pot while if you lose it happens right away and it tilts me.Throwing tomatoes is fun tho.
What is this tomato throwing you speak of? I also noticed pt4 a bit glitchy too.