Hey guys and gals,
I plan to go tomorrow to play the $230 deepstak tournament, 14 are registered so far, I will call just before 9am tomorrow to see how many seats are available then, and if its worthwhile, I am going to go and play it.
I have been running pretty good and playing well lately so I hope I can bink this tourney and pay out a nice bap as well. Sharkscope stats are here.
SharkScope - Online and Live Poker Statistics
I was looking to sell up to 40% if players are interested. Going to sell at a 1.05 Markup. Increments of 5% preferred.
5%= $12.08
If anyone is interested in it, please transfer to stars to make things easier and based on the dollar exchange right now $12.08 would be $9.84 over stars.
I will take action tomorrow right up until 12, one hour after registration, however if payment hasn't been shipped, no results will be posted until players ship or they agree they will forfeit any profits made due to non payment.
10% - Hobbes Paid