Toronto Pimp;393172 wrotePlayed really well on Sat night. Put in 8 hours and did it on one buy in.
Only negative the whole night was one of the last hands of the night. I was up just over $7,000 and had told the guys i was leaving at the end of this session fee.
I wake up on the button with pocket queens and three of us see a flop after a raise and a re-raise to $600. Flop comes QK6. The big blind bets out $900 guy between us folds and i raise to $2000. Big blind goes all in for another $2000 and i call.
he has pocket kings and the board bricks out.
i still ended up $1816 after 8 hours.
will post the poker income thingy.
was a fun night and i am never folding the queens once i see the flop.
Ouch!.... When i read stuff like this, I can feel the pain!!