A question and possibly a tip. I used to use opr to color tag my stars opponents by their roi using the scale -10% to 10% as breakeven 10%+ as winning, 50-100%+ ish as massively winning and massively losing. I had huge success with this for mtt play predictions
Now that opr is shut down, is there any way to do something similar?
Sharkscope, pokerprolabs and pocketfives to evaluate opponents. I usually search ppl when I'm deep or ft and use notes based on hh.
any of those you can recommend that shows roi and number of tournaments played?
or is roi info completely blocked nowadays? that would make sense but it was so good to use
i might be wrong but you may have to register on whatever site to see ROI (possibly also have to pay for the membership), and even after that people can opt out from having their ROI displayed anyway.
What happened to OPR?
OPR was changed quite a long time ago so that people now have to opt in to make their roi information public. Anyone have more information on finding the roi of random opponents, this is super big for me
sn1perb0y listed the only ones i know of.