A situation arose yesterday when I was on the big blind with 54hh in the $11 NL $4k gtd tournament. The CO minraised and the Button called. So it's on me,getting just under 7:1 with 54hh. Should I call? After putting in the 1200 the CO had 20k, Button had 9,200 and I had 20k.
I'm going to be out of position throughout the hand and I have both implied odds and reverse implied odds to consider. Should I call? If I do call what is my general post flop approach? One idea might be to check raise gin flops and perhaps check call if I flop a weak but possibly best made hand or a weak draw. I'm in good position to check raise; bad absolute position but good relative position. There is a decent chance that I am not dominated and will have wheel type flops to myself. And I'm getting a very good price from the pot. But I'm out of position and have two wheel cards.
Opponents stats are :
0/0/0/0 over 12 hands (CO)
25/9/3.0/3.3 over 87 hands.
VPIP/PFR/AGG factor/3 bet.
Limited sample size so they don't tell us too much but they do begin to paint a picture of two TAG opponents.