Toronto Pimp
Had my best night ever at the small table. Get seated at table 11 at 7pm. Notice two regular nits and a bunch of older guys and think this table is gonna be no action.
In the first 30 mins i get pocket kings 3 times. I started with $500 and after 30 mins i had $1800 in front of me. Most people have around $500 in front of them.
I raise preflop with 8,9 spades to 25 get a couple callers then the button raises to $60 one other player calls the raise and i call to see the flop.
flop comes 8,8,9. Oh my ........ First player bets out $120 i flat and the jams all in for about $600 other player calls all in for less and i call.
button had kings other player had jacks (which i thought was a pretty loose call) and i take down a $1600 pot.
Last big hand of the night i have 7,9 spades in a 4 way pot and the flop comes 6hearts 8spades 5 spades. Guys are firing bets in and calling and i just call. Turn comes king of spades and the guy to my right goes all in for $400 into a pot of maybe $600 i call and one other maniac calls.
Guy one has 2 pairs 5,6's other guy has three 6's and have a flush.
river comes out red 2 and i take the whole thing.
i have $5700 in front of me and decide i want to leave feeling King Kong. $5200 profit after 2 hours.
I sang beatles songs the whole way home.
First person from here that i have met in person and wants to play the satty tournament at brantford this week into the $1090. I will put you in the satty and only take 40% of any winnings if you should cash in the $1090..... First person to post up her gets it.....
Toronto Pimp
This is the satty.......make sure you are available.
$130 Super Satellite
Apr 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
40 Icomm Drive
Brantford, ON
519 757-3306
Est. Prize Pool:
Admin. Fee:
This is an 40 person multi-table Satellite for the monthly Deep Stack tournament.
This is a no-limit freeze-out style tournament. Registration opens 4 weeks prior to event. Call 1-888-694-6946 or visit the Brantford Gift Shop to reserve your seat. Winner's Circle Rewards membership required to participate. Not a member? Sign up is free and easy. Click here to learn more about the many great benefits.
For more details see the rules and regulations, call us or come in and speak with one of our knowledgeable Poker Room staff.
Click here to download the Rules and Regulations
Toronto Pimp
And this is the date and time for the $1090
$1090 Deep Stack
Apr 26, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.
40 Icomm Drive
Brantford, ON
519 757-3306
Est. Prize Pool:
Admin. Fee:
This is a no-limit freeze-out style tournament. Registration opens 4 weeks prior to event. Call 1-888-694-6946 or visit the Brantford Gift Shop to reserve your seat. Winner's Circle Rewards membership required to participate. Not a member? Sign up is free and easy. Click here to learn more about the many great benefits.
For more details see the rules and regulations, call us or come in and speak with one of our knowledgeable Poker Room staff.
Click here to download the Rules and Regulations
Good job, man! Give the ticket to mathers if he can make it.
That is a fantastic result, you must have been on quite the natural high.. That's why I always like going to the casino with someone I have met, just to be able to share the feeling with someone who have a similar interest.
Would loved to have played a satellite at BCC since I haven't been there in a long time... One day notice is just not enough time for me to get coverage or I would have volunteered...
Mather's would be a good choice..
Holy shit, nice run!
Toronto Pimp;392098 wrote
First person from here that i have met in person and wants to play the satty tournament at brantford this week into the $1090. I will put you in the satty and only take 40% of any winnings if you should cash in the $1090..... First person to post up her gets it.....
Nice run! Never met you but can be vouched for Im sure lol....
Nice run Mr.TP Dont give it back buy something you need.
Toronto Pimp
Bfillmaff;392105 wroteHoly shit, nice run!
Sent you a PM..... Call me ASAP so we can get registered before it sells out.
Shit, sorry Pimp I just took a closer look at the 26th and can't make it after all.. Sundays are usually good but I'm registered for a mountain bike race. Thanks for the crazy generous offer and GL in the $1090!!!!
Toronto Pimp
Greg, check your PM's
Toronto Pimp
Pkrfce9 is in. See you there tomorrow. Maybe we end up with two formers smashing the $1090 this month.
Wouldn't that be something! Thanks for the super generous gesture, mike.
I tried to get Mather's attention for this but no luck. Now that would have been some good karma.
I'll do some kind of tr after the satellite.
Well the madness ended quickly. I had a couple of maniacs to my right and a couple morons to the left. Add in a couple of bad dealers who barely spoke English and had a hard time counting chips and that pretty much completes the picture.
Game started pretty close to on time with a couple empty spots on our table. A black guy in seat 1 with an tacky Ed Hardy hoodie is playing almost every hand but hitting monsters. He gets a big stack early when he calls an all in on the river with bottom set on a straightened board.
Then a guy that looks like a 50lb heavier version of a maniac named Keith that used to play at Barry's showed up in seat 2 and those two started battling it out every other hand.
Basically these two would raise almost any 2 in any position and stay to the river if they had any kind of hand. Could be profitable opponents but high variance.
One memorable hand at 50/100, one of the morons to my left made a small raise, another moron called, tacky Ed called then heavy Keith put in a healthy raise again. So the first moron shoved for about 4600, the second called all in for a bit less. Tacky Ed calls off about a third of his stack after counting it 15 times and heavy Keith calls off about 20% of his stack of course. Flop comes q83 with 2 diamonds and tacky Ed open shoves into the 2nd dry side pot. Heavy Keith asks for a count. The dealer takes about 5 minutes to count the chips and heavy Keith quickly calls off about 8k. The 4 hands are turned over. First moron has 66, second has ajo, tacky Ed has 83s for 2pr and heavy Keith has kj for one over and backdoor flush draw. Wtf? Tacky Ed holds to accumulate a monster stack and heavy Keith storms off for a smoke I guess. That hand consumed about half the level.
Heavy Keith comes back and accumulates a bunch of chips with his speculative hands and busts at least one or two guys. My bust out hand, he raises utg to 500 at 100/200/25. Guy before me calls. I raise to 1800 with qq and maybe 7000 behind, knowing full well that heavy Keith is coming along for the ride. Flop comes 642 with 2 hearts. He checks and I bet 2600. He check raises enough to put me all in. He did this to me earlier with tpwk so I know I'm likely well ahead of his range so I call without too much contemplation. He flips over 96 hearts so this is actually one of the stronger hands in his range and he is slightly ahead. Turn is another 6 of course so I can get home in time for Matlock. I spent more time driving than I did playing. More time typing this on my phone, too.
Thanks, Mike. This was a classy move on your part. I hope you did well.
pkrfce9;392210 wrote
One memorable hand, one of the morons to my left made a small raise, another moron called, tacky Ed called then heavy Keith put in a healthy raise again. So the first moron shoved for about 4600, the second called all in for a bit less.
I guess he forgot the rest...
Toronto Pimp
Well, i was doing half decent till Greg left. Shortly after Greg left his table broke and we ended up with the black guy. He was wearing one of the ugliest poker costumes i have ever seen. I call it a costume because there is no way he was being serious when he decided to wear the costume. Looked like the hoody which had some lime green and purple accents had been Bedazzled by one his baby mama's kids and the hat was equally Bedazzled.
So captain flashy costume sits down and starts playing almost every hand. He has a monster stack and he was calling raises at 300-600 for 1800-2400 with any suited queen or better and was going all in with any pair.
Saw him call off 40 big blinds pre flop with pocket 3's into a guy that shoved with aces and hits his 3 right away no delay.
i lost one big pot where i flopped three 10's and put in a healthy almost pot sized bet only to get shoved all in by a guy with an 8 high flush ?? That took me down to about 10 big blinds and i jammed it in with Ace king off and got snapp called by pocket 4's which held up.
some nights your the winshield and some nights your the bug.
Going to buy into the $1090 if they get more than 30 people in. As of tonight, including the 4 tickets they were giving away the total is only 11 players.
Good to see Greg out....... Kinds sucks that Bill fucked up our mississauga poker spot.
I was being charitable when I called him tacky Ed. Lolz.
That reminds me. Fuck you bill. Didn't see any of the bills regulars there tonight. Maybe it died?
Enjoyed the TR's. With all these morons playing I'm thinking I need to get out to Brantford soon!
Tapatalk ate my response. So fuck you Tapatalk.
Anyway you are paying a pretty high rake for a crap shoot sat. You might be able to argue you have enough of a skills advantage to make up for it but I doubt anyone really does.