sn1perb0y;399307 wroteUpdate 1: 9.5k in the 55$ ko average at 5.6k
3.8k in thr 109 average at 11.1k --- made a hero fold with tt, Hero raise UTG MP 3 bet i call, flop 97xcc he c bet super small i call turn 2 he bets half pot i folded. He saw i raised utg with jqss if he is paying attention. bleh0
Update 2:
Busted the 55$ jammed 89cc from co with 9bbs(1.2kish) got called by a7 no dice.
have 12k in the 109 doubled with kk vs qq and got a squeeze through a bit after. blinds 150/300 and average is 13.6k
update 3: 2nd break, have 12.1k, late reg just closed average at 15k. will reg the 109 turbo in a bit
update 4: 3rd break at 9.4k average at 28k need a double up!
reged the turbo 109 30k gtd im at 11.1k starting stack 10k
update 5: just busted the 109 in 442/1495 didn't cash. folds to sb who opens jams in to my bb of 6bbs and i called off with k3. he had a5 no dice.
Still in the turbo doubled starting stack, sitting at 20.6k
Update 6: still in the turbo with 10bbs lost a lot of small pots/blinded out down to 10bbs gotta double up. on the bubble for a satty to the 215$ main, if i get the ticket and cash 5% will be towards the bapers :) (edit shipped the ticket in the tourny rn)
Update 7: have 93k in the turbo 109 sitting at 20/93 with 81 itm. Busted in the main vs some station who called a pot jam river on k388j with qqs SMH..
fak just busted in 30th for $292.53 US, I had 28bbs i open co with 55s button 3 bet who had 30bbs i 4 bet jammed.. he called and had jjs :/ gg
now this is how a bap operates........updates are most of the fun for investors (at least for me anyhow)
sent a pm for my info.....