jaykay;392846 wroteOne question I have for all of you is...if someone makes a big raise pre flop out of position, is it a leak in my game if I make a call with hands such as low suited connector type hands or let's say Q-J, K-J, A-J type hands knowing full well that he is most likely to have high pocket pair(10's+) or A-K A-Q kind of hand with the plan to out play him after the flop?
As long as your plan is to outplay him after the flop, you should probably call with any 2 cards.... but I suspect it is a leak!
I'm not talking about 3 times big blind raises..I sometimes make calls of 10x BB raises knowing that he he has a pretty specific range and I plan on bluffing him off depending on the board texture or sometimes I luck out and actually outdraw his hands. This is assuming the player is a "I read super system and know the rules of poker and think I'm a good player" type of player which imo is 90% of the players there and not the "I will call of my stack with a flush draw or top pair no kicker no matter what" type of player. This is also assuming that I will always make the bluff when I feel like it will be the right play and not chicken out.
I would try and cut down on the number of assumptions you make at the tables.... 90% of poker players do not play like they have read any book let alone that one!
One other situation that I'm wondering about is....at what point should you not be calling with low pocket pairs trying to flop a set? At what point is it considered unprofitable? I know it's hard to say an exact amount since every hand is different, and there is your own stack sizes and other stack sizes, number of callers, table dynamics, etc. etc. to consider. But is there a point where you are just wasting money by set mining? In my play I kind of have an unofficial rule of calling up to 10X BB assuming I have more then 100-150+ big blinds in my stack; but it will really really depend. Sometimes I notice myself making calls pre-flop with these types of hands to relatively big raises just because there's alot of callers but sometimes feel as if it's not the right play to make. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
if you want a good general rule for set mining.... use a 20 to 1 rule.... if you and your opponent have 20x the preflop bet... then call. players so over-estimate their profits from set mining it borders on criminal.