sn1perb0y Today while i was checking my stats on sharkscope there was an icon saying that i won a gold membership on sharkscope or a 100$ cash. I was wondering if anyone has a subscription to sharkscope and what are the benefits of that.
UBetIFold How exactly did you win? A random draw, something else? I've been using SS for years, but have never actually subscribed.
sn1perb0y No idea why i just saw the icon 5min ago, as they all say "fish on a heater" Edit: here is the link, the first thought: "this is a scam" cause usually i don't believe in free stuff. you can see the icon next to my name. SharkScope - Online and Live Poker Statistics
jdAA88 take the money for sure unless you are a serious online grinder who puts in a tonne of volume.
Irunit4times Sharkscope does monthly draws for players who have never reset their stats. If you see the simple beside your name claim the prize. The subscription if you use it is to do more than 5 searches a day and some other small things table choice help etc. Just take the free stuff, there's no scam.
Tcarnage if u want to get on ours, its about $8.70 for 3 months and we have like 1200searchs/day - We have never used more than 200 in a day :D
UBetIFold Tcarnage;391762 wroteif u want to get on ours, its about $8.70 for 3 months and we have like 1200searchs/day - We have never used more than 200 in a day :D Get on ours? They have a group option too? What is it exactly?
Tcarnage Not exactly a group option but we had 10 guys (maybe more now?) on it and i pay for it so its discounted for all of us...
Tcarnage It depends on amount of people on acct at the time of renewal, I can do party transfer. I'll PM you right now