Hey all. I shot out a twitter last week and while I understand this is last minute I want to make sure I have it out there for anyone interested, as well as logging those who nabbed a % right away.
I always have better rungood when some of my fellow cpf'ers are on my back, and with such a great start to the new year in life it hopefully follows me to the tables this week.
I was offering up to 40% of the action on all 4 events (posted below) at $30.00 per % but I will be playing all regardless of action sold. Wednesday is the start so please don't worry if this is not enough notice this time. I will do the same for the Harvest as well but with much more notice as I have already booked the time off work for the November series. I can't wait to get back into this and make us all some monies!!!
Event 1 - Wednesday March 25th:
$400 No-Limit Hold’em Freeze-out Knock-Out 12:00pm
- 210 player at one time maximum
- 8,000 Starting Chips
- 30 minute levels
- Re-entry event.
- Players will receive $50 in casino value chips for each knock-out.
- Tournament buy-in: $350 + $50 Registration
- Final Table will be paid for this event.
Event 2 - Thursday March 26th:
$600 No-Limit Hold’em Freeze-out 12:00pm
- 210 player at one time maximum
- 10,000 Starting Chips
- 30 minute levels
- Re-entry event.
- Tournament buy-in: $540 + 60 Registration
Event 3 - Friday March 27th:
$800 No-Limit Hold’em Freeze-out Knock-Out 12:00pm
- 210 player at one time maximum
- 10,000 Starting Chips
- 30 Minute levels
- Re-entry event.
- Players will receive $100 in casino value chips for each knock-out.
- Tournament buy-in: $720 + $80 Registration
Event 4 - Saturday March 28th:
$1100 No Limit Hold’em Freeze-out 12:00pm
- 210 player at one time maximum
- 15,000 Starting Chips
- 30 minute levels
- Re-entry event.
- Tournament buy-in: $1000 + $100 Registration
Poker Pixie Rungood BAPers March 2015
JohnnieH 1% Paid
Milo 2% Paid
Piggypie123 1% Paid
Steve Kerr 2% Paid
T8 5% Paid