Jacen299;391070 wroteThanks for the well thought out response.
Stack sizes were me $350. mid position caller had me covered. I know him from tournaments, where he is super aggressive. would I call him a maniac, no.
cutoff had about 200. not much info on him.
I posted the original question, because I think I missed some value when I checked and they both checked back.
the turn brought me quads! now what? seeing that i checked the flop, do I fire now? or let them see the river to give them a chance to improve?
Betting turn might look like I didn't like the king on the flop, but now my QQ TT AA hands don't care, with the K pairing the board.
So this would be my response to that.
So remember when your playing poker, your telling a story by creating a line in which you play the hand, it tells the other players a story. So lets evaluate then. If you pump it up preflop, and then check it back on a 2 face card board, what kind of hand do you represent there, I would say a very big monster would play this way, a small pair that completely missed and gives up on the board, a hand like AQ A10 etc that wants to see another card now for cheap and doesn't want to face a re-raise. I am sure there are others that players can add here, but for the sake of my write up I will leave it at that. Okay so the turn brings you quads, well you just lost out on value on the flop, so on the turn, ask yourself 2 very important questions here, 1. What hand am I trying to represent here by betting out on the turn, given the types of hands ive stated above that would play this scenario. 2. Are better hands going to fold to a bet here, or would worse hands be inclined to call here? What would they need to have to make a call? This spot is kinda gross, because unless player a or b has hit a pair, you've virtually lost all value here in this hand, unless someone gets really cray cray and decides to try bluffing, but I doubt it. I would say since you checked it on the flop, and the turn brings a 2nd king, people are less likely to think you have the king, especially if you checked it back on the flop, but you now also know that nobody has a king either, so getting value will all be determined on the type of hand you can represent here. Betting out here leaves player a and b a chance to just straight up fold if they missed completely, or just to flat behind you. I think I would personally check behind and give my opponents the chance to make the mistake here and put chips in the pot. If the turn is checked around, it is now very very very unlikely you will get much money unless someone took this line with JJ and is just waiting for the same thing you are. If it is bet out on the flop, this is your dilemma then, since you are out of position, do you re-raise to make it look a little strange, and see if they make a mistake and call or re-raise, in each case the flats mean your going to value bet the shit outta the river and get paid almost everytime by way worse, if you get re-raised time to shipski and either they bluffed off that bet and you scoop that pot, good value, or they hit like a full house or something like this and your getting their entire stack.
But you gotta be asking yourself those 2 questions while your playing 1. What hand do I represent when I do this, you can also reverse the question to them and say what kind of hand do they represent when they do what they did. 2. Will a worse hand ever call in this spot, or would a better hand ever fold?
Tell us what happens, Im waiting for something totally crazy and bluffs off with q10 re-shove on the turn or something lol and you stack em anyways and lost no value lol