Hey folks. I'm a small time player in Hamilton and would like to try a small stakes tournament. Is there such a thing happening online with a small entry fee that is reputable and accepts canadians. I currently play online through the tablet but that is getting boring and I don't want to show up to a live game with my $5.
uhhhh pokerstars? i mean they are the best...
spam removed
I never tried poker stars. I figured it was big betting only. I wanted a small time fixed tournament where everyone can enter with the same amount.
As for paycoinpoker.. That is the last thing I'm looking for. I appreciate any response but that 50cent style sheet 3 link web site is what I consider the bottom. your response looks more like a spam intended for a promotion board than a reply to my question. I can't imagine why anyone would want play paycoin poker at your site.
Yeah disregard the spam.
Stars has all stakes and levels, it would be tough to find anything better IMO.
PS - Welcome to the forum... I'm in Hamilton as well, you play live at all?
I do play with friends but its more drinking and smoking than poker and the stakes are ultra low - like a $5 buy in and its a disorganized game of dealer choice. I have played at the blue heron a couple of times in the past but I didn't really know what holdem was at the time and lost some small change.
Throwing in another vote for PokerStars. Lots of tourneys there with entry fees $1.10 and under.
Personally, I like playing the 360-player Turbo Sit & Gos, all for one thin dime.
for gods shakes don't play on pokers stars or full tilt
bigdig;391133 wrotefor gods shakes don't play on pokers stars or full tilt
And you say this because?
poker stars if I need to explain then you haven't played on that site and I know your going to say you do poker stars as far as I am concerned is a rotten site
lol, might have played once or twice there......;) Did you get caught multi-accounting?
P.S. punctuation is your friend.
lol no
I would like to find a good site to play on not party 888 full tilt or stars
maybe ACR?
what is ACR
I'm dying to know what's wrong with poker stars ? I downloaded it and it seems OK so far except for some of the idiots that like to chat.. please be specific.
Your gonna hear whining stories about variance, which means either they don't understand the game, or they get there money in bad a lot and feel like they never suck out. lol
I don't want to be rude just go to google and type in is poker stars a safe site then you will get your answer oh by the I have been playing for 30 years I think I know a little
Im confused now, what does your playing for 30 years have to do with online poker since it hasn't obviously been around for anywhere near that long. Are you a conspiracy theorist? Only thing I would give you credit for for 30 years is being a software programmer for 30 years in which case I may listen more, but i'd need a lot more than google it to see :s