compuease;392225 wroteNothing wrong with asking and I think you had decent answers.. Set aside 40 buyins, ($20K) play smart and pray.. All of this "assumes" you are a winning player to start with.
1/ how are you going to get rid of your leaks?
2/ How do you know you are a winning player, ie Have you played enough hands to even know?
3/ How do you know what your win rate is?
I hope the poker bankroll is separate from you life roll, ie living expenses.. and you don't have any other leaks, ie table games.
Keep us updated on your progress., ie start a daily blog which helps to keep you disciplined. Track all of your play ACCURATELY..
1. Playing more! Self reflecting on my sessions and asking if I did anything wrong and most importantly how I can improve, not playing while I'm tired/tilted, etc. Setting a stop loss, asking other people how I can improve. Understanding more the fundamental side of poker to be able to make better decisions in 50/50 spots.
2. I do not know, I am so far a losing player..I believe i have the natural talent but I just did not have the other factors that contribute to being a winning player(mental and fundamental side..having a proper roll, playing tired, playing tilted, not setting any stop/loss, making fundamental mistakes. I am not the type to get overly tilted, but I realized that playing tired is pretty much like playing on tilt.
3. I do not know, I wont know until I play again and start tracking my sessions.