sn1perb0y;390576 wroteBusted day 1b with Kk vs 99 on 67865 all in on flop. Played day 1c and got to day 2 with 81.1k. Starting tomorrow at 1:00pm. :D
I busted at bllinds 4k/8k, at 161. 153 gets paid, i had 82k.. I won a big hand early day 2 to get to 130k then lost a huge flip all in pre button vs sb with AJss vs 77 for 65k and then stayed at 80k until i busted JJ vs QQ. I was stupid enough not to fold into the money :(
Also i Busted the 60$ freezeout at 15th, 13 gets paid :(
I had a great 1/2 sesson started with 155$ and ended with 1270... fish on a heater :p ( will post pic of stack later)