The_Awesome Two scenarios are listed below for a home game tourney. What should be the ruling in each case: A) The river card comes and the two remaining players check. Early position says 'pair of jacks'. Late says loud and clear 'you're good'. Early throws his cards down face up showing his pair of jacks. Late, upset wants to show her missed draw so throws her hand down face up. Then it is noticed she has a pair of aces (ace on the river). B) Same as above except early throws his cards face down.
compuease A; obvious, late wins. B:, not so obvious. Were the face down cards gathered up by the dealer or did early quickly grab them and turn them over before dealer mucked them. Were the cards easily identifiable as early's cards? If so same answer as situation A.(May be somewhat casino rule dependant as to what constitutes a fold) edit: I'm wondering if you meant late throws the cards face down instead of early?
wildbill7145 Situation A seems kind of simple to me unless I'm misreading it. Cards talk? Situation B. Are you saying early threw his cards into the muck after late declared that early was 'good' mistakenly then realized she had a pair of aces? Actually, I don't think it would matter as he (early) already declared he had a pair of jacks which would be the losing hand no? I think I'm saying same ruling both situations, but I just had a quick nap so I'm a little befuddled.
wildbill7145 compuease;388937 wroteA; obvious, late wins. B:, not so obvious. Were the face down cards gathered up by the dealer or did early quickly grab them and turn them over before dealer mucked them. Were the cards easily identifiable as early's cards? If so same answer as situation A.(May be somewhat casino rule dependant as to what constitutes a fold) Are we saying the same thing? I think we are.
JohnnieH A) Cards talk, so Late is good, but should apologize for the slow roll :D B)Assuming Lates cards go in 1st, Early wins the pot.
compuease JohnnieH;388945 wrote B)Assuming Lates cards go in 1st, Early wins the pot.cept late throws cards down face up. Think we need some clarification on what really happened. WB John... So how's the dealing business going?
JohnnieH compuease;388946 wrotecept late throws cards down face up. Think we need some clarification on what really happened. WB John... So how's the dealing business going? Yes I see now. Cards always talk obviously. I will update my thread for you, Dad!
moose It makes no difference if early throws his cards face up or face down, if you rule lates cards are identifiable and retrievable then cards speak and late wins in both cases.
The_Awesome Thanks. Someone got upset with the same ruling and I wanted some unbiased opinions to help them with their concerns. Appreciate it.
Buzzzardd JohnnieH;388945 wroteA) Cards talk, so Late is good, but should apologize for the slow roll This happened in the cash game at my last tourney. This is now known as the Shopsy Slowroll.
pkrfce9 Shopsy needed a ruling for this? Where's the emoticon for disappointed? I'm guessing corky was somehow involved in this fiasco.
Buzzzardd pkrfce9;388994 wroteShopsy needed a ruling for this? Where's the emoticon for disappointed. The_Awesome;388935 wroteThe river card comes and the two remaining players check. Early position says 'pair of jacks'. Late says loud and clear 'you're good'. Early throws his cards down face up showing his pair of jacks. Late, upset wants to show her missed draw so throws her hand down face up. Then it is noticed she has a pair of aces (ace on the river). No ruling needed. But, Shopsy was the player with the missed draw that ended up winning the hand.