The first food bank rake-free satellite (RFS) for a WPT FPC $1,100
entry card will be held on Saturday 2 PM, January 10, 2015 at
Georgetown. This first RFS will be limited to the first ten players
who reply with a commitment to show up.
Rake-free buy-in: $140; for ten players, first place will be the
$1,100 entry card and second place will win the remaining $300 cash.
Starting chips: 5000 + charity option = 10,000 chips.
Charity option: at least ONE food item to be donated to the Salvation
Army for 5,000 extra chips (or $5 cash donation for Salvation Army Still 2 seats open PM me for location tructure: In order to give players the best chance of cashing in WPT
FPC Event #1, the same blind structure with 10,000 starting chips
(15-minute blinds) and TDA Rules as Fallsview Casino will be used.
Two decks (like Fallsview) will be used to maximize the number
of hands; I will be willing to deal for anybody that doesn't want to