Bfillmaff;388166 wroteIf you are folding KJ in your BB, to one raise, while getting 4-1... you are making a pretty big mistake.
Steve on the other hand made a correct decision pre flop and then folded to big action from a range that had him beat. What a fish!!
well, i disagree on both points. if you want to get technical (and i do from time to time) 'steve' wasn't deep enough to make the call pf. the explicit odds are garbage for that hand and the implied odds are just not there.
but since he called, now he isn't deep enough to fold. he's getting almost 2:1 on a call and he has no read on the guy who is willing to jam 200+bbs into a 35bb pot against a bet and a raise. with 2 more seemingly interested players to act, he could end up getting 4:1. just call and prepare to reload. i think the preferred play would have been to lead the flop and be hard-pressed to fold the short stack.
at 100+bbs deep, it is an ok call pf and an ok fold on the flop.