The other night Truepoker calls me up on my land line and tells me they've put $25 in my old account, since I haven't played there in a while.
"Do I need to deposit?" I ask. Nope is the reply.
So I say cool, thanks, and promise to check it out. Sure enough I see $25 bones in my 'wallet.' I go to sit down at a table but I'm denied. No poker cash available. Hmmm, what is up widdis? I figure out that I have to play through 1x on the game tables to be able to use the money on poker.
I go to blackjack and play a few $1 hands, then a few $5 hands, winning a few and losing a few. After about 10mins of this I just bet it all on one hand. And win! Now I've got $55 in my account that I can use on the poker tables.
Thanks Truepoker!
That's awesome! I played my first game of online poker on that site. Probably played for about 8mo to a year before I got a P* account. Got hooked on P* at that point.
Maybe I need to spread out my rarely used, thinly spread, almost non online gambooling budget and check in on my account there. This modding thing isn't turning out to be the cashcow I thought it would.
Send them an email and say you heard they were giving out free money to old accounts. It's been so long since I've been on. Gone are the cool graphics. It's just a generic network site now.
Went on last night and ran it up to $80 playing 5cent/10cent. Obviously they're just letting me win since I've been away so long.
Got the same deal today, but mine is available for poker. :)
I've slowly ground my bankroll down to $50.
The honeymoon is apparently over.