I'm heading to Calgary on business in February 14-18, staying from Saturday the until Wednesday at the Grey Eagle Resort and Casino.
I have noticed within 25 min you have Grey Eagle, Cowboys and Cash Casino.
Can someone provide me with some insight on these casino. I looked at their websites for general information.
Which of these casinos runs PLO daily and which would you recommend. In addition I see most nights these is a mtt, either PLO or NL. What is the turnout for these events.
If there is any Gabbbbbooooo Poker happening let me know. I don't want to be the player in the background of a chip porn pic.
GTA Poker
Deerfoot has 5/5 and usually 10/25 every night
Is that where you usually play?
I played at cowboys Saturday night. Very nice room, big chairs, big tables and a lot of room to move.
10 tables of 1 - 2 NL and 1 table of 2-5. I played 1-2 and made $300 in a quick 2 hour session.
Opening raises ranged from 5-20$. Players were more then happy to bluff off their chips and call very lightly.
I have never seen so many rec poker players buying in for $100 blasting it off then leaving. This may of had to do with the hockey game ending.
There were plenty of barely legal women off to the night club which attracted just about every guy 19-23 that lives in Calgary. Every table game in the house was full. One thing I liked was there were plenty with a $5 minimum to encourage play.
I hope to stop by Deerfoot in the next day or two and play the Grey eagle PLO Monday tourney.
If anyone requires $1 chips for a collection let me know.