Bfillmaff;387251 wroteLikely folding even if it was rainbow but the clubs on the flop make it a snap fold.
For sake of discussion, what if you had two middle clubs to go with it, say Tc 5c 7x 9x?
I ask because those type of spots I still need work on. Seems like a mistake to fold w/ that much equity, yet a real shitty spot when you hit your "draw" and the guy doesn't slow down.
Preflop, fold if not ds with the considerations I made above re: opponents. No offense, but you also have to take into account skill level when playing marginal hands. If I am playing a good player OOP I will fold a large range of hands that I will call or 3bet vs. other opponents.
Flop, bet out and represent a variety of hands on later streets when they hit...of course, read your opponents' reactions to your bets.
There is no one correct answer, it depends on you opponents and table dynamics, etc. 3 handed your cards don't even matter some of the time...but it's nice to have a hand for showdown now and then.
As stated above, I see that most players' biggest leaks are not using position properly in PLO.