> > Thank you for contacting us.
> >
> > We have looked into your playing history for tournament #961566538 and
> > found that your disconnection caused you to miss very few hands.
> > Nevertheless, as we consider you a valued player at PokerStars we have
> > issued a one time credit of $100 to your account.
> >
> > Also, we see that several goodwill refunds have been granted to you in the
> > past for connection problems. While we appreciate your business, please
> > understand that this may be the last time we are able to grant a refund. We
> > do ask that you investigate what is causing your disconnections and we will
> > gladly offer assistance to help improve your connection so that you are
> > able to play on the site without experiencing such issues.
> >
> > Please understand that we did not suffer any server-side problems or
> > disconnection during this tournament. Any issues appear to have been local
> > to your computer or ISP, otherwise many players would have been
> > disconnected and that was not the case.
> >
> > Part of the inherent risk of playing poker online is the possibility that
> > Internet connections may fail for any number of reasons. From a practical
> > business standpoint, it is impossible for us to be responsible for the
> > Internet connections of our players.
> >
> > Please note rule 18 of the tournament rules located at:
> >
> >
Poker Tournament Rules for Texas Holdem Poker Tournaments
> >
> > This rule states, in part:
> >
> > "18. By participating in a tournament, a player accepts the risk of
> > Internet disconnection, due to problems with the connection between their
> > computer and the servers, lag or freeze or some other problem in the
> > player's computer or the Internet.
> >
> > * a. PokerStars does not accept any responsibility for a player
> > disconnect except in the case of a server crash."
> >
> > If you have any further questions, please let us know, and thank you for
> > making PokerStars your choice for online poker.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Silvia F.
> > PokerStars Support Team