As I predicted, there were less than 2,222 entries. 586 players remained in Day 2, with 200 getting paid. As I posted in Facebook, my stack went up to 164K after a few hands in the first Level 15, with average of 110K.
When I was moved towards the centre, I noticed that the central tournament display had been changed to a soccer game and the outer displays were not readable for me. As anybody who has played with me knows, I like to look at the tournament information and with £1,000,000 prize pool, I asked the tournament staff to change the screen back to poker. If a soccer fanatic would rather be distracted than focus on the C$1.8 million prizes, then he can do so by getting eliminated and watching the game from the Losers' Lounge! :p After repeatedly looking up for tourney info only to see soccer, I eventually had to go directly to the casino manager to repeat my request and a supervisor finally changed the central screen.
I went up as high as ~300K, with an above-average 275K at the end of Level 17, with a 40-minute dinner break; 328 players left with 195K average. I asked for a printout of the payout schedule and it showed £140,000 for first place (C$252K).
During Level 19 at 4K/8K+1K, hijack jams for ~100K. I am in the SB, with over 200K.
:as :kc
1) What would you do?
I 3-bet jam. BB tanks with a similar stack as me, and later said that he folded 10-10.
2) WWYD, fold or all-in?
Hijack shows only
:ad :10c
It is the perfect scenario for me as hijack only has one out left. If I win, I will have over 300K with a great chance at a decent cash. Of course, since everybody knows that Euro
poker is rigged, the case 10 appears. :bs:
With the WPT structure of high antes, my M falls to the Red Zone, and I am all-in or fold. When it is folded to me in LP, I jam with a suited Ace. Seat #3 wakes up with 8-8 for the fourth time while I was in that table :o and eliminates me. I finish at ~237th place or top 11%, a little short of the 200/2,133 ITM; had it paid 11% instead of only 9%, I would have made the money.
While thinking of jumping off Nottingham Castle after the one-outer knockout, I first head to the "partypoker WPT Knockout Players Party" hosted by world champion boxer Carl Froch and DJ Spoony, with appearances by Mike Sexton, Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi, "Mad Marty" Wilson, etc. After seeing all the beautiful ladies in there, I decide to postpone going to Nottingham Castle and shifted into pokerJAH mode; I still remember most of their names - RFG Dalia; partypoker models Sophie, Martina, Natasha; Nicola, Naomi, Hermance, Jessica, and Colette.
Of the many poker parties that I've been to, this was by far the most fun, even better than the WPT Celebrity Invitational Pre-Party and the first WPT500 party at Aria's Haze NightClub with two of the female guests joining the bikini contest. You know it's a great party when a nice lady qualifier in a wheelchair, who is almost as old as compuease, ;) decides that she wants to get up from her wheelchair and join us on the dance floor! :o I later won a prize in the dance-off contest while I was dancing with a partypoker model.
The next day, I won in the cash game and I kept a few of the unique "Dusk Till Dawn" chips as requested by Colin408, beefylogs, UBetIFold & Milo. After my return flight from Philadelphia to Toronto was cancelled, I decide to play an all-nighter at Harrah's WSOP Room and also kept chips. I have won in all the cash games that I played during my WPT Philippines and WPT UK trips.
how did Day 2 go?