compuease Milo;385688 wroteTake a twenty out of petty cash . . . Hey.. A raise! Split it with ya Bill, no not you, bill, the other Bill..
compuease We have had a really good month or so as far as number of posts as well as online users.. Hopefully this keeps up, sadly not likely as most everyone really just seems to love controversy.. Too bad they don't love poker as much.:-\
wildbill7145 Forum has been very angry lately tho. We need the angry to repent and post more happy thoughts. #angryfucksreportingpostsliketheywereeatingtimbits.
pkrfce9 I think making light of Timbits demonstrates an insensitivity to third world countries. #hatersgonnabill
Milo Hey, Jeff, I LOVE poker . . . but do you really want me posting in strat? Sure, it might up your ROI at the tables, but come on . . .
trigs i'm been planning on posting a hand history question for almost a week now lol. maybe i'll remember at some point when i'm at home.
compuease BlondeFish;386245 wroteGo get a job with the WPT. Certainly sounds like I and my co-workers could easily handle this except for the fact it's in California and they want someone onsite. lol, think they would consider moving to Milton, home of the Rocks? Might lend them some credibility. ;)