reibs;385726 wrote If he is looser and you feel he shoves more than that, then it just increases how much we make on the call. Like if you think he shoves (AA-22,AKo-A8o,KQo-KTo,QJo-QTo,JTo,AKs-A4s,KQs-K9s,QJs-Q9s,JTs-J9s,T9s) which is 21.5%, then our hand has 42.7% eq and it would be a HUGE mistake to fold. The more you play, the better feel you will get and you can adjust these ranges for yourself.
I agree, the looser range is fair. He's got less than 8BB's and pretty much anything decent is going in. Some variance when you get it in dominated sometimes, but I think you are priced in.
I actually like the min raise pre flop, but once you do that it cant be raise/fold against the 1500 stack.