will do a TR later....but to update, busto in 3rd level (75/150 25a)
We're utg with AA....raise to 400....Button 3-bets to 1.1k.....we 4-bet to 3k.....he shoves 22k stack....I snap with 21k stack.....he shows AKhh
flop JQx, turn x, river T
That pisses me off, and I wasn't even playing. Can't imagine how mad you were.
Thanks for the BAP, looking forward to the next one.
Friday Nov 21st:
Had a way too early flight scheduled to depart at 06:10 on Westjet, stopping for a coffee and a piss in YWG....landing in YUL 13:30 local time.....
I had rented a car for the week due to the distance between hotel and Playground (recommended unless u drink a tonne while playing).
Made it to the hotel in Downtown YUL....tiny room a few blocks away from Crescent St was suitable for $99 / night, +$20 / day parking.
Met up with Actyper in lobby, and headed to Playground for the Partypoker Player party. It was meh, but free drinks ftw.
Saw a some big poker names around, as well as some well known PFC alumn...BTP and BM
Saturday Nov. 22nd:
Met at for the free hotel breaky, met another guy from YYZ who I offered a ride to Playground (completely forgot his name).
Got to Playground and checked in at the Party lounge to get free swaaag.....bah, XL was too small for the hoodies (see new year workout regimen), and they were out of bigger, so only got shirt and hat......got registered:
Had a decent table, where I didn't get in to much action, but hands couldn't hold, and in one case, couldn't find the fold button with KQ on a Q96 8 Q board, got me down to 20k from 30k by the start of the 3rd level (villain has TJ obv). I chip up a little (21K)....then.....
3rd level still, (75/150 25a), I get AA utg, and do a standard raise to 400, to which I get a MP call, and the button 3-bets to 1.1k.....this villain seemed competent, got called down to river a few hands earlier by a fish who caught the river....fish busted out to someone else next hand in rediculous fashion.....so villain may be a little tilted. So I do a larger 4-bet to 3k......and villain snap ships (jiggity).
He just had me covered, and shows me the AK.....I'm like, how phucking ez are these WPT's......flop xJQ, turn x, river T to crush my championship belt dreams. If this was online, I may have been chatbanned for life......but alas, I took it mostly like a man, saying 'nice hand', with a 'well played' following (couldn't help myself).
I was in a 'phuck me' state, and zombie'd my way to the rental car, and just headed back to the hotel......