Toronto Pimp
Been drunk for 3 days . Tonight is detox night and tomorrow i am playing the WPT 5 diamond main event at bellagio.
Moose said he will come and rail me....... I need all the coaching i can get.
If i make it past day one i will post up.
Even a fish can get lucky every now and then. Hope this fish can at least make out of day one.
Just missed pimp so had to make do with a substitute
Toronto Pimp
Made it to day 2 with $26,725 in chips. 66 big blinds. Had a blast with phil helmuth sitting to my right.
What an amazing fun day.
Toronto Pimp;387806 wrote Had a blast with phil helmuth sitting to my right.
What an amazing fun day.
Trip report is a must..
Alex and Jac are on their way back home after we dropped them off at the airport after the traditional Hash House humungo breakfast!
Pinball hall of fame this aft. Sweet. 3 hours for $10 in quarters. Lotsa wins for free games and high scores set in Asteroids, Miss Pac Pan and Midway / 1942 and something about balls in Rudy's mouth. Pics and details to follow from Rob.
And now back to some more poker at Aria / Bellagio and railing Toronto Pimp.
Pimp ready to go to work @60k. His buddy flopped a royal and won a cruise today
He finished the day about ave stack. He has Nick Schulman and Dan OBrian to his left and Galen Hall and Negreanu, who is 5th in chips to his right. #tableofdeath
moose;387836 wroteHe finished the day about ave stack. He has Nick Schulman and Dan OBrian to his left and Galen Hall and Negreanu, who is 5th in chips to his right. #tableofdeath
Damn, this should be a great trip report... Pics?
Toronto Pimp
Great seeing moose and meeting seekthegrail today.
Made it to day 3 . There were around 580 entries and we are down to 210.
I did have a really tough table draw to start the day with darren elias sitting to my left and billionaire cary katz who plays one drop every year along with pratyush buddiga who won the super high roller 2 days ago at aria.
I was super happy when they said our table was breaking .
So i move to a table and darren elias is once again in the seat to my left followed by nick schulman then dan obrian some random guy then daniel negraneau follwed by galen hall.
Oh crap....... This is bad .......:o:o:o:o
Managed to stay alive and ended the day with $78,800 up from $26,00 to start the day. So tomorrow i will start with around 65 big blinds which is a decent sized stack.
Have to get some sleep now.....
Great to see a bills alumnus doing so well :)
Good luck mike!
Good going dont let the big time pros push you around.Show Daniel some of your skills
pkrfce9;387839 wroteGreat to see a bills alumnus doing so well :)
Good luck mike!
+1 I just new Bill's training would help someone! Or maybe it was the ice cream sandwiches.. Keep er going...
Toronto Pimp
My table draw for day 3....... Have Antonio right beside me......
27 1 Larry Wells 69,300
27 2 Kevin Song 126,900
27 3 Justin Zaki 82,900
27 4 Lauren Roberts 88,700
27 5 Lily Kiletto 22,000
27 6 Thomas Marchese 45,200
27 7 Ralph Thomas 160,300
27 8 Michael Gigl 78,800
27 9 Antonio Esfandiari
Should be interesting
Toronto Pimp
Your girlfriend is on my table . :D
What happened did you cash?
Toronto Pimp
Just had to catch up on some sleep.
So, i busted out late on day 3. I was down to 25 big blinds and got pocket 7's. I re-raised 2.5x and got two calls. Last to act was chip leader and i was first to act.
Three of us to the flop JJ6 flop checked around turn is a 4 with no flush possibilities. I shove we are waiting for about 5 mins for the next player to act when the chip leader calls clock and the player we were waiting for says he went all in 5 mins ago. Nobody heard him and and he didn't move a single chiip towards the pot. The chip leader says he has seen the this player play this angle before and instamucks. Player turns over pocket kings and river is a 9.
It was a great learning exprience and after playing with so many strong pro players i feel like i really played very well.
After busting i went for dinner with moose and seekthegrail and we ate in a nice veggitarian restaurant. Maybe they can post a pic or two of our meal.
Really looking forward to playing the fallsview tourny but first i am starting back at the gym to shed a few dozen pounds.
Toronto Pimp
Pic from day two. He was sitting right next to me for about 3 hours.
moose;387799 wroteJust missed pimp so had to make do with a substitute

Sadly Alex, middle, beside Antonio passed away last night.
Sorry to hear....was he also a forumer? I didn't read back in this thread.
Card Dead
Sad to hear that we lose another one of us way too young.
My condolences to all his loved ones.