Time to get off my ass and play some hands...this motivated me to start playing again last time, so here we goes again...details to follow once I figure out what I offered last time:
It went unrealistically well last time, increasing my starting bankroll of 4k to 10k in around 30 hours of play by having 13 straight winning sessions, mostly at 2/5 PLO. I continued to play and got the starting 4k up to around 18k then lost back around 4-5k and life then took away most of my playing time. I haven't played many hands for the past 3-4 months. I will be starting at 1/2 NL this time as was the plan last time. Games played may include 1/2-5/10NL and 1-2-5/10PLO depending on what is good at any time.
Due to that insane rungood during the last BAP and the fact that I have lots going on in my life right now this will likely be a longer BAP. I also plan on focusing on 1/2NL for most of the start of the BAP and not jumping to 2/5PLO (but I can't promise:)) since I have not played much holdem for a long time.
Anyone with questions can look back here for details
Selling 40% ($1600) of a starting 4k bankroll at 1.2:1. This time the goal is to get the bankroll to $12,000 instead of the $10,000 in
http://www.pokerforum.ca/f86/gabbbbbbappppppo-30810/. Doing the math, the markup is more than made up for by the extension of the BAP to 12k with my paying out an additional $480 in profits in comparison to last time (assuming we make 12k).
As with the last cash game BAP, you can exit at anytime by posting in this thread that you want out and I will cash you out at that profit/loss value.
For all the other details, refer to the last BAP linked above. Basically, if the 4k hits zero we are done and if the 4k hits 12k we are done. I am not including any tournaments this time as I don't have the time to play them. If I do play a BAPed tournament it will be a separate BAP exclusive to this one.
Only accepting EMT or live cash.
Twitter updates:
The numbers as % of starting bankroll:
1% = $48
1.04% = $50 (cuz Hobbes)
1.4% = $67 (Comp again)
2.08% = $100 (cuz Comp)
2.5% = $120
5% = $240
10% = $480
Interest (SOLD OUT):
Hobbes $50 = 1.04% -- PAID
Comp $67= 1.4% -- PAID
KWSteve $48 = 1% -- PAID
Milo $100 = 2.08% -- PAID
Wolfhound $100 = 2.08% -- PAID
Trigs $48 = 1% -- PAID
Quimby $120 = %2.5 -- PAID
HMole $120 = 2.5% -- PAID via Hobbes
G2 $480 = 10% -- PAID
Moose $307 = 6.4% -- PAID
Pinhead $240 = 5% -- PAID
Drtyore $240 = PAID