So I'm playing in my little live daily donkament, 12$ buyin (hey it's a small town).
Sunday night :
My table is insane, 7-8x BB raise are common and all-in are even more common since you can rebuy once, I don't play many hands and hope it calms down a bit to give you an idea I'm at 9K get Ah10h on the button and the blinds are 300/600, 5 limpers, I raise to 2100 and everyone including the blinds call. Flop is A109 rainbow, everyone checks, I push my remaining stack, 3 callers, no kidding, one had A3 the other 79 , so I win a crazy huge pot and become the chip leader at the table.
Fast forward a few hands, blinds are at 400/800, I get KK in EP so I raise to 2600 the crazy guy who called with 79 calls and so does his friend beside him. Flop comes Q99 rainbow, I bet 6100, the maniac pushes all in, I'm like meh, I'll call, he has 810 , hits the jack on the turn, no king or 9 helps me and I'm out.
So that happens BUT the very next day this hand happens :
Blinds are 200/400 I have about 14k from the starting 12k I get KK on the BB, boatload of limpers and they like to call so since I want to make money I make a big raise to 2000 I get only 1 caller. Flop comes 6hJs4c rainbow, I bet 6000 he raises me to 12k putting me all in so I call obviously, he has 105hh , gets runner runner heart to win the pot.
So I go back yesterday and I'm completly card dead but the table is fun so eh, whatever, I finally get a decent hand 99 at 200/400 there's a 1000 raise from a middle pos so I flat call and everyone elses fold.
Flop is 678 rainbow, the other guy pushes all in, I call.
He has KJ
Turn is a 10 giving me the straight, guy to my right said damn I folded a 9
River 9
fuck my life
3 nights in a row this is just stupid bad luck lol