wildbill7145;381751 wrote Good thinking. Reef for PFC apocalypse team captain.
Okay here is the plan:
Zombie attack:
Battle Rifle:
Everyone gets an SKS battle rifle! They can also be used to take down deer with the 7.62x39.
The SKS is Semi-auto fire, 20" barrel and a bayonet
The SKS is a semi-auto that has been obsolete since 1947 when the AK-47 was introduced.
The AK-47 uses the same round and is full auto with an 18" barrel.
Why the obsolete SKS?
It's the cheapest anti-zombie firepower with range.
We can get 15 SKS's for $1799. You get get a good one for $200 easy.
Cases of 7.62x39 Russian are cheap, at 20 cents a round. They fit into 10 (or 5) round stripper clips. It's easy to carry 30 or more stripper clips in bandoleers.
Everyone will need about 3 cases of 7.62x39.
Hand guns are a personal thing.
In WW I and WW II the Canadians didn't have an official hand gun. You can use whatever you want to buy and bring. Personally I'd rather have a bunch more clips of ammo for my battle rifle than a hand gun.
Edit - Obviously a .223/5.56mm C7 is much better. But everyone can afford an SKS.