I had appointments all morning, and while I was there in person, I was here in spirit...completely fun way to occupy my thoughts! Thanks for the awesome posts.
Milo;381563 wrote
When the shit hits the fan, and people get desperate enough, their home will be overwhelmed as "the mob" decides to take from the "ants".
Patience, young Grasshopper?
ReefAquarium;381564 wroteI am going to write the perfect prepper post and troll the prepper boards. Help me finish this post!
It's the best of times and the worst of times.
Help it's already started!
A strange new virus has broken out where I live turning thousands every night into zombies!
The only normal people left are two bus loads of cheer leaders who's busses crashed into each other. In the fire the girls clothes were all burnt off.
What guns should we mail order if we have a $10,000 budget?
I was first thinking Ruger 10/22's since ammo is cheap and we get 1000's of zombies every night. But then I see russian 7.62x25 is about $500 for 1400 rounds.
Is the "troll" that there are 1000's of zombies each night and you don't move?
GTA Poker;381578 wroteWell, if you can't hack it in the current society you may as well fantasize about a time when you become king for owning 100 cans of baked beans
Unless (and maybe even IF) an ER Doc joined the forum, here is the single most valuable CPF member. Vet, with access to antibiotics in peak physical fitness. GTA, I am prepared to offer you any of the non-blood-related women folk on the compound as well as the finest of housing and refreshment.
Edit: You can also have my Mom..I think she'd dig that.
trigs;381581 wrotemy gf loves this show and wishes we'd start prepping. i rarely watch television but i enjoy this show too (even if just to laugh at some of the overly crazy people).
what will cause our end of days? there are so many to count that are possible. super volcano, solar flare (technically a coronal mass explosion), nuclear, biological, chemical, environmental, asteroid, close enough star going supernova, etc. etc. (yeah, i read about this crap for fun).
i have no set plans but my basement is pretty safe. only a couple small windows to board up if needed. have a ventilation hole for fresh air (but i'd need one of those air wall pump things if the air outside was contaminated). water in water heater would last us a week or so. i'm looking into having our rain water run into containers in the basement but it'll be expensive. we can some food here and there but we don't have a stock pile or anything (yet).
i have no survival skills whatsoever. don't even know how to use a gun nor do i own one (yet). i'd probably not survive very long at all yet for some reason i've always longed for some sort of apocalypse to happen just for a change. i'd enjoy it until i died i think.
as far as skills i'd want to learn, i'm mostly interested in surviving off the land in our environment. the fact that hardly anyone knows the edible plants and vegetation in their region seems crazy to me. knowing what to eat and how to catch small game i'd like to know.
last question is the best btw lol. i wouldn't be able to offer much outside of a level head and a practical approach to what we'd most likely have to deal with during the end of the world.
personally, i wouldn't be surprised if in the next 50 to 100 years some kind of shit hit the proverbial fan. i'm still hoping for zombies, but the slow moving kind.
Slow Zombies- One Post-apocalyptic Time!
I LOVE the crazies on the show, they're amazing!
Do you live in a city? What are your plans after the first week? What if there's no rain? What if it is cold?
More on your vegetation point at the end of this post.
wildbill7145;381584 wroteBeing a lowly, for the most part unmotivated unskilled coward I'd probably just grab one of the dogs (Ace probably, wife wouldn't want to be left with him) and walk right into the heart of whatever's happening and be done with it. Who the hell wants to fight the uphill battle.
However, if Kristy would protect me on her compound I can heat up a can of baked beans like nobodies business. That's my skills list.
:Shockface: I woulda thought you'd be all over this one.
The_Awesome;381587 wroteIf society collapses I won't last the week without my meds so there's not much point in me prepping. I do not think it is unreasonable to prep though.
It is very interesting though how few people have even the most basic survival skills in today's western society... especially when it comes to eating. 99%+ of the population here will die because they won't know how to eat off the land.
If I had to guess I'd say it all starts with a major continent wide power outage initiated by a gigantic polar storm or foreign interest that lasts months.
The_Awesome;381591 wroteGTA what would you feed your family come January? Remember you likely don't have a firearm cuz they are bad.
This is a total collapse we are talking about. My power outtage scenario would just be the trigger.
But maybe 99% was a stretch ;)
I don't think you're too terribly far off in say..a 5-10 year period.
FTR, I wasn't actually kidding about the "compound". My in-laws have 120 acres that back on to another 4-500 acres of state owned forest. They call it their hunting shack, and are not really preppers, but nearly everyone in the family hunts grouse, deer, duck each year, in a no-law society there is also bear, moose, and if you're really desperate, wolf. They have septic, well, huge fuel supply, lots of guns and ammo, ATV's, at least a year's worth of wood chopped and ready to burn, and are in a highly defensible location. They don't have the food supplies a prepper would, but given their high-level hunting abilities, the acres and acres of open, farmable land, and the massive quantity of wild rice in the area, I think they'd make a pretty great stand. (Though the thought of living with my in-laws makes me want to pull a WildBill).
Skills I'd like to acquire. I'm probably going deer hunting for the first time this year..I'm kind of excited to see if I can, not to mention the free meat for the family.
I'm a reasonable shot, but I should be better...here is my first ever target practice: from about the length of a football field.
Lastly, I'd like to learn how to can. My parents are amazing..they have a 25' long cold storage that they FILL each year with food from their garden, but somehow I never learned. It seems like a great way to save money and control the type of food you're eating.
To living off the land...I've read a lot about herbal remedies, but I've never tested any. That would be an interesting challenge.
To living without power...one of the projects I'm going to try this winter is building my own solar panel from easily found objects. How great would it be to be able to generate enough power to say...run a freezer in summer, or the pump for the well? GAME CHANGER.
I think, being already remote with not far to go to REAL isolation, my chances are reasonable for short-term survival. I think that if my IUD stays in place I have a 5-10 year life expectancy and if it doesn't, then-like most women, I die pretty quickly around childbirth or some sort of post-natal infection...say 2 years?
Ryan and I talk all the time about buying our own section of land somewhere just a smidge warmer, and building our own place..just to see if we can. I think it would be a really fun challenge.