Milo;380644 wroteGG sir . . . you got a hell of a lot further with that ticket than I would have.
Thanks man, appreciate the props.
I have to say, I believe I could have done quite a bit better with even an average allotment of starting hands. In 8 hrs of play, I had JJ once, AK once, one flopped set on a board that ran out four to a straight and 3 to a flush, no straights or flushes.......and that's why they call me Card Dead!
I was able to use my tight image to make the most of hands like A8 suited and JT by stealing a few pots, but overall, it was difficult to get anybody to fold any marginal holding like Top Pair, No Kicker.
My first table was full of young guns, which I thought would be crazy, but it played quite small and conservative. There was average preflop raising and calling, but hardly any big betting post flop. Just value betting.
When I got moved to Pimp's table in level 4, nobody had busted out yet at my original table and the biggest stack was about 18k. At Pimp's table, there had been 7 or 8 guys busted already and 3 guys had 40k-ish (including Pimp).
Our table broke around level 7 and we went our separate ways. My table draw was quite good for me. Mostly Brantford regs who were very predictable and straightforward. Came to the table with 9k and left with 20k, after jamming on a low flop with 77 and getting called by AK. Also stole a couple of small pots from the regs.
Got moved again around level 10 and got seated to the right of the massive chip leader and left of a young guy grinding out a below average stack. We get chatting a bit and it turns out to be Reibs! Cards remained dead for me and got grinded down to 9k again, then jammed JJ into 3 limpers and got called by QT os and held. Back to 22k when avg stack was 45k. Lost a chunk of that in the next level (500/1000/100) when it folded to me on the button and I raised to 3k with AT and bb called. I c-bet 4k on the Q25 board, bb calls again, then jams the turn when another Q hit. I folded face up, and he showed Q2 os.
Grinded back up to 17k, then with blinds at 600/1200/100 jammed AK into an EP raiser, got called by BB and the raiser. Both had QQ and I didn't improve.
I thought I played well, but I did miss 2 opportunities right before I busted out that would have changed things for me. Need to be more aggressive when I get to <20bb, but happy with my play in my first big-buy-in tournament.