After winning the ticket to the above tournament at Bill's place, this is what happened in the tournament:
At $15,000 starting stacks and 20min blinds, I thought there would be more play early on and I was right, only, I had less than no cards and folded almost every hand for about 40 minutes.
I hovered around below average stack for most of the day until:
Blinds are 1k / 2k with 100 ante, a nice pot of $4k preflop and average stack has $50k and I'm at $30k at this point. I am in the BB and UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, Button limps, SB limps and I say hi-dee-ho and go all in. UTG calls, everyone else folds and he flips over AKs. Oh, I have AQos of course.
Flop is Q-T-5 turn Q, river 7 - holy smokes I actually put a bad beat on someone else.
Back I go to folding for the most part, I 3 bet shove a couple of times and get no callers. Now the blinds are 2k / 4k with a $500 ante, average stack is $55k and I have $45k. Again, in the big blind.
UTG raises to $9500, UTG+1 calls, folds to me and I look down at K-K. There is $20k in the pot already and I think this will look like a squeeze, then I remember where I am and the other players probably don't even know what a squeeze play is.
Any way, I go all in, UTG folds, even though he only has $10k behind and UTG+1 starts to hem and haw, saying he played his hand really badly and he knows he's way behind, blah, blah, blah. He has 4k less chips than I do, so its his tourney life at stake. He finally calls and flips over A-9os.
Of course the flop comes Q-9-9, I don't improve and I am out in 21st place. That pot would have given me $95k, but now I'm down to $4.5k and all in the next hand essentially.
Last hand was kind of funny. 3 limpers preflop, then I call to make it four and BB checks, I have not looked at my cards and could quadruple up. Flop is T-T-9 - checks around, I hope I have a Ten - Turn is a King, UTG goes all in, there is a potential flush on board, paired board, etc. - all fold and I flip my cards and see I hav T-8, river is a Ten giving me a boat !! But UTG had K-K for a bigger boat, why he shoved on the turn is anyone's guess and its why I love these donk fests and why I HATE these donk fests.
Thanks again, Bill for ponying up the tournament ticket, hope I win the $550 deep stack ticket this coming Friday.