pkrfce9 Playing in a low stakes turbo fifty50. 3rd highest stack, to my right min raises utg. I have kk and I'm 2nd highest stack. I raise pot for a little more than one third of my chips. Big stack on the button jams and the original raiser calls. Cray balls, I say!
[deleted] pkrfce9;379954 wrotePlaying in a low stakes turbo fifty50. 3rd highest stack, to my right min raises utg. I have kk and I'm 2nd highest stack. I raise pot for a little more than one third of my chips. Big stack on the button jams and the original raiser calls. Cray balls, I say! see bolded.
BlondeFish I would sadly get rid of my Bumf*** Buddies. Without seeing the actual hand history, I don't think anybody made the "worst bubble play ever," but why did you think it was?
pkrfce9 3rd highest stack could have easily folded his way to a decent pay day. There were a couple short stacks getting ready to push. I probably should have folded too :-( tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
BlondeFish Never say never in poker. That's like saying you'll never get to meet RookieC tho ever. OHTNCTRHM;379973 wrotenever folding KK pre, ever, EVER
actyper 3rd highest stack on the bubble means nothing in a turbo. You cannot fold your way to decent money
pkrfce9 actyper;379997 wrote3rd highest stack on the bubble means nothing in a turbo. You cannot fold your way to decent money Really? Calling in this spot with kqo is +ev? tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
Milo actyper;379997 wrote3rd highest stack on the bubble means nothing in a turbo. You cannot fold your way to decent money Well, not in a 50/50 anyway . . . :)