BlondeFish;379524 wroteEither UBetIFold has taken all the money from the GD poker economy, or GD has failed to market electronic poker to tournament players (like Mohawk & Western Fair) and is removing all the PokerPro tables on August 24. :'( The last tournament is scheduled on Thursday night, August 21.
So make that a dozen juicy poker rooms left in Southern Ontario for pkrfce9 to make moniez.
No money in Georgian downs poker, no one shows up.......I wish the first part was true but, noooooooo, this is absolutely terrible news. +1 on not marketing well enough though, they have continued to run their bi-weekly Thursday tournament, but it has been mostly word of mouth, I asked multiple times to get whoever in charge to provide updates via their tournament calendar to no avail. It has been constantly blank, thus, probably preventing ppl from coming out.
Lastly, not sure if it's true, but from my observation, summer has always been a slower time for the pokerz, this is the time everyone is busy with life, adventures, camping etc, I wish they had of waited til winter to see if they could make it work.
Was 10 minutes from my house and offered great flexibility on buy ins, and catered to the more average player. Not everyone has $330 to play rama's bi-weekly trny, or the time for that matter as it requires a day off work.
Thanks for posting anyway, I'll have to make it a priority to get to the last one.
Cliffs: sad to hear its pulling the plug on poker.