I don't think I could have folded. Can you include 96 in his range given the preflop action? Not to mention the weird shove on the flop, almost like he wanted a fold.
So many bluffing hands in his range and only quads and the (unlikely) 96 that beat you. The fact that the button overcalled w/ AA and the SB had 96 is just more proof that you can never fold your flopped boat there.
Pay it off, rebuy, and most importantly DO NOT leave the table until that guy busts or cashes out!!!
Bill Efremidis;377940 wrotePlease tell me what's wrong with raising to 25 with AA before the flop ?
It is the best opening hand in poker, isn't it ?
most players will fold pretty much everything* when you bet $25 into a $3 pot with only 2 players left. This is a bad thing to happen to the best hand in poker!
* not 96 though, apparently.