OHTNCTRHM;377845 wrotemake your open 3x not 4x, c bet flop, dont click it back ever with a min raise, especially with 3 hearts on board where we can be dead
Thing people don't realize is that people floating with straight draws are the people we WANT to play against, we will be super profitable long term.
so suck it up sally, play more hands, and stop complaining.
After I posted that I hit a table, wait around for a hand, Ak, I bet 3bb of course everyone folds. So I wait around more, AQ suited, this time I only raise 2bb to get a call from a marginal hand. Flop comes J64, so I cbet, guy calls, river is a 7 and dude raises, I knew right there I was getting bent over , and I could feel it coming. I knew what he had, But I just called cuz I couldn't believe it, I had to see it for myself, to see if t's possible,to chuckle at it all. 35o. Thanks for listening my friend.