pkrfce9;377800 wroteYou busted a few hands ago with 72 when you hit middle pair on the flop and shoved almost 50 bbs into top pair, turned 2pr then got rivered by higher 2pr. You are on tilt and re bought for 120bbs.
Regarding the 72 game, I think the quote above is is a pretty good example of how people can get so carried away with this that it isn't about the 6BB's any more, it's for the "gotcha" at the end.
Startles point about only adding one more hand to the range is valid, but I'm wondering how, (if even possible) we can quantify the "going nuts" factor with that game. Did he ship it for a laugh, so he can flip over 72 soooted?
On the flip side, the shove doesn't feel like AA or KK... but perhaps thats exactly what it is... AA shoving because he knows it feels like 72? He's savvy, and he knows you are tilting... so its possible.
TBH I have no idea. I probably call JJ+ and AK, otherwise forefeit my 8BB's and wait for a better spot?