Hobbes;377764 wrotePot meet kettle.
At least bfill's is easier to pronounce. ;)
When u are ducking from
feds , and trying to remain low key, I can't have an obv SN, hence mine
Also, I genuinely appreciate the suggestions.
I already went 8 way with my mom and sisters/ step sisters and brother on a Harley for dad, and I wanted something extra
Dad built his dream house a few years ago in an unknown location on the east coast. My oldest sister and I went splits on paving his driveway.
Dad gets out here tomorrow , and I have a card, cohibas , and a hug and kiss ready for him when he gets here (I'm picking him up from the airport)
Dad gets out here with my youngest step sister tomorrow (she's 8, my dad and step mom had her when they were 48- don't ask) and I have plans.
Sorry for being vague at first. I value my privacy, but too many people from here have me on fb , so it doesn't matter!! :confused2: