I've started the petition "Canadian Federal Government: Allow for Licensed Poker Rooms in Canada" at change.org and need your help to get it off the ground.
Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:
Here's why it's important:
Real money poker is a popular and fun diversion currently available to most Canadians in four main venues: online; in casinos; in underground (illegal) clubs; and in private homes.
Many people love playing poker and would also love the opportunity to play "in-person" in a safe, local and regulated environment. Unfortunately, Canadian federal legislation makes it a criminal offence to establish and operate a poker room. To do so is a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to two years. Being caught in a poker room is also punishable as a criminal offence.
So if you are a straight shooter and want to play poker, other than online (which is arguably an entirely different game than live poker), in a depressing casino poker room (assuming you wouldn't have to drive for at least 2 hours just to get to one, like most of us), in an illegal establishment (where you could get a criminal record) or in your basement or garage, then you're pooched.
These options are not satisfactory. The Canadian federal government needs to amend the Criminal Code to provide for licensing and regulation of privately owned and operated poker rooms offering just poker. Not slots. Not blackjack. Not roulette, or any other casino game. Not bingo or betting on the horse races. A venue that just offers poker. Dealers, tables, chips and cards. A venue that is legal, safe, local and fun. A venue where you can sit face to face with other like minded people and just play some poker.
As with other similar arrangements between federal and provincial governments (e.g. casinos, lotteries, horse race betting), the federal government could explicitly address the activity under the Criminal Code allowing provincial governments to be accountable for licensing and regulating the activity within the provinces. In Ontario, for example, regulation of poker rooms could be made to be within the authority of the Alcohol and Gaming Commision of Ontario (AGCO) or the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG).
Not only does it make sense from a consumer demand perspective, it would also foster entrepreneurship, create jobs, contribute to government coffers and bring our legislation up to date by acknowleding that "live" (and not just "online") poker is totally mainstream and not an underground criminal activity.
You can sign my petition by clicking here.
Dixon Hill