today's my last day of work and then i'm off for two months!! as usual, i'm planning on playing as much poker as i can. there are no giant summer projects around the house nor are there any (foreseeable) issues that should prevent me from playing a lot. i'm creating this thread to track my progress (there will be graphs!) and to keep me motivated.
as i mentioned previously, i'm not going to make volume goals as i don't want to make myself feel like i have to play when i'm not in the mood. therefore, i'm keeping my goals relatively general.
Summer Poker Goals:
- profit at least $2000 online
- play at least 5 live tournaments and win one
i'm basing the profit goal on previous summers of online MTT grinding. i think it's very modest and doable. obviously, profiting more would be nice. in previous summers, i haven't grinded online cash games though so i really don't know what my profit/loss will look like at the end of this summer.
the only things holding me back are the gf making me do chores and my inevitable hangovers from drinking way too much every day :D
for online MTTs, i'll most likely stick to the micro/low levels (buy-ins of $10 or less) and multi-table around 6 at a time. i'll probably attempt a few satellites as well on occasion and take some chances here and there at some higher buy-ins.
for online cash, i will try to play minimum $0.25BBs and up. it'll probably be omaha, but i may do some 5 card omaha or maybe something else that i'll do mostly for fun (like razz for example).
for live MTTs, i'll be buying into the $100-$300 range. most likely i'll be playing at brantford for most of these.
i may also consider playing some live cash games if i'm up for it. that will probably be at casino niagara for the most part. probably $1-$2 no limit as there is no omaha spread there.
since i'm no pro, my bankroll is pretty flexible. also, the gf has pretty much told me to stop being a pussy and play some decent stakes so i guess i'll have to move up and step up my game!
i'll try to post sessions upon completion which may or may not be daily updates.
i am considering BAPing the live MTTs but nothing for sure yet.
feel free to come cheer me on or watch me blow thousands of dollars! either way, it should be fun!