This would be my first visit to Brantford, in spite of what STPBoy might have told you.
I won a ticket to the super sat, courtesy of Bill's Video, Pool and Poker Emporium.
First off, it is a looooong drive to Brantford. Especially if you are trying to make it for 7pm on a Monday.
No problem finding a parking spot. I went up the escalators and saw the poker room in the distance. I went up to a guy sitting at a desk under the poker sign to ask about the tournament. Turns out he was a security guard. Oops. He directed me inside to the desk. The desk directed me to the cage. I paid my registration via credit card (nice!) and gave them my winners circle card, got my voucher and headed over to the poker desk again. They took the voucher, wrote down a bunch of stuff and let me choose my seat. Got over to my seat quick enough and only missed the first hand.
Starting stack was 10k with blinds 25/50. Not bad but only 20 minute levels. For a weeknight satellite, I think this is ok. Otherwise you'd be playing until 3 or 4 in the morning.
There were only about 23 runners when I sat down. There were a few empty stacks distributed amongst 3 tables. I guess we got up to 28. Seems like most of the players were regulars by the way they were chatting with each other. I would rate most of the players as decent. Some were terrible. Not really as much loose aggressive play as I had expected.
One Jon Hamm wannabe joined the table late in LP. He raised his first hand. SB 3-bet and BB and he called. Flop was 97x. BB bets out something close to pot. Jon Hamm calls. Turn is another 7. BB bets big. JH calls. River is somethhing inconsequential and BB overbet jams. JH shrugs his shoulders, looks at his cards and casually calls. He lost and walked away without showing.
I made one decent laydown early on. I think I got to limp from SB with KTo and a few callers. Flop brought a KQ but no action. Turn put KQJ on the board. Probably the loosest guy on the table put out a small bet, so I called but so did the BB, who seemed like a fairly tight player. River brings a magical 9. We both checked and the loose guy made a significant bet. I thought about raising but just elected to call. Then the BB raised and the loose guy jammed. Hmmm maybe my 2nd nut isn't so good here. BB looked pretty confident so I let it go. BB calls and turns over KT for the 2nd nut and the loose guy turned over the nuts. Bad read on my part. Kinda surprised that he only limped with ATs. Good bye 25% of my stack. The other guy loses about 80% of his stack. (He later goes on a tear with high pocket pair after high pocket pair to make the quickest come-back to starting stack I have ever seen.)
I made one bad bluff not too much later. Bunch of limpers and I'm on the button with 97s. I just limp because I'm a bad player and doubt many of these guys will fold. Flop gives me 2nd pair and the guy beside me, seemed like a fairly straightforward player puts out a weak bet. I call and the others fold. Turns brings me nothing and he puts out another weak bet. I put him on top pair with a mediocre kicker. I could have folded but I decided to put in a raise to see if I can make him fold. He thought about it hard and called. Ok, I'll get him on the river. A nothing card falls and he checks to me. I put in a decent bet and he thinks for a while and calls with top pair mediocre kicker. Good read bad play. Good bye to another 40% of my stack.
So I'm getting kind of short stacked now. I jammed in MP with A6s. No callers. Last hand before the break I have about 6BBs and wake up to J3o UTG. I really didn't want to wait through the break and come back to antes and < 6BBs so I jammmed. Folded to the straightforward BB guy and he hums and haws, shows me a K. I ask him nicely to send me home. He folds.
Back from the break a lot of the guys are not back by the time we restart. I look for spots to steal but multiple guys are limping into pots where the blinds are sitting out. WTF?
One hand the loose guy just limps in MP. I'm in the SB with a monster. 48o. The BB is sitting out. I seriously contemplate folding but just couldn't in good conscience let the loose guy limp in and take it down. So I held my nose and called. Of course the flop is 567. I check-jam and get called by 2pr and hold. Soon after I get TT on the button with a few limpers in front. I jam and get no callers. Suddenly I'm back to starting stack. Unfortunately this is only about 12BBs.
On my bustout hand, I'm in SB again. This time T9o. Couple of limpers and I call. Flop comes 997. Yahtzee! Checked to the straightforward guy on the button. He takes a stab at it. I call along with a bad player. Turn is inconsequential. Checked to him again and this time he bets about 75% of what I have left. I call and the bad player folds. Damn! River is a Q. I jam for almost nothing. He doesn't feel good about it but calls and turns over K9. GG me.
I made it about 2.5 hours into the tourney. About halfway through the field I think. Most players are < 20BBs at that point. I would expect it to take about 3.5-4 hours to complete.
The tourney is well run. Nice facilities and dealers. I would play more often if it was closer.
Bill Efremidis
Good try Greg, I guess it's up to Milo on Mon. June 23 at 7 pm at BRANTFORD
CASINO to carry the PFC flag proudly into battle. Good luck Milo. Hip hip hooray.
Thanks . . . taking my stab at it tomorrow.
Good luck to you Milo.
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Thanks, man . . . work, poker, sleep is the plan for today.
different day, same result. Played it very similar to Ching Hill. That means room to play until break, and then you need to look for a decent spot and just get 'em in there.
Hovered between about 7-10k until the 5th level. Player to my immediate right kept getting a slightly better hand . . .
Bust out hand was typical . . . battle of the blinds, 200/400 25 ante 8 players. Effective stacks are approx. 7k.
SB raises to 1500, I call with J/10 suited. Flop comes K, Q, x rainbow. He bets 1800, and I shove for 5k. He hems and haws, we kibbitz about how he has managed to pip me on a few previous hands . . . I tell him he has A/Q.
Long story short, he ends up calling, and I get no help. Bye bye Milo.
Bill Efremidis
Was at the same table as Milo. We only had 2 tables ( 20 players ) last night
playing for 2 entries to the June 29 $1090 Deep Stack at Brantford Casino.
I paid $130 to enter, Milo won his entry at More Than Just Movies freeroll
on June 14.
I was eliminated, probably just before Milo with about the same hand.
The blinds were 200/400 and I had J/10 o, called 400, fellow to left raised to
800, I called, ( I had 4000 left, felt like it was time to take a stand and my cards
looked a lot better than 3-7's or 4-9's I was getting ) flop came K/Q/x rainbow,
so I had an open ended straight draw. He raised before the flop, so I figured
him for a high pair, so what, all I could see was an open ended straight and
pushed all in. He instantly called, proudly showing Q/Q.
I wasn't despondent, just praying that the POKER GODS were with me and an
A or 9 would show up. It wasn't to be. Maybe next time.
Wished everyone GOOD LUCK and left.
Bill Efremidis;376996 wroteWe only had 2 tables ( 20 players ) last night
playing for 2 entries to the June 29 $1090 Deep Stack at Brantford Casino.
Wow, there were only 20 players that took a shot? One possible reason is that Casino Rama sold out as usual at 80 players, and a bunch of us had Brantford as Plan B but only if we busted early to make the long drive.
In one hand, I raised with Big Slick, but there were four callers. On a flop of K - 10 - 3, UTG bet, I raised, then BB check 3-bet all-in. UTG folded. I tanked, "Hmmm, is it time to go to Brantford?" If I called and busted, I would have made it to Brantford, but after using SHAL and talking to villain, I decided to fold.
Too bad no luck x2.
Thanks for the TRs.
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GTA Poker
Milo;376988 wrotedifferent day, same result. Played it very similar to Ching Hill. That means room to play until break, and then you need to look for a decent spot and just get 'em in there.
Hovered between about 7-10k until the 5th level. Player to my immediate right kept getting a slightly better hand . . .
Bust out hand was typical . . . battle of the blinds, 200/400 25 ante 8 players. Effective stacks are approx. 7k.
SB raises to 1500, I call with J/10 suited. Flop comes K, Q, x rainbow. He bets 1800, and I shove for 5k. He hems and haws, we kibbitz about how he has managed to pip me on a few previous hands . . . I tell him he has A/Q.
Long story short, he ends up calling, and I get no help. Bye bye Milo.
no like that play
Maybe not . . . but I have a weakness for that hand.
Bill Efremidis
I do too. You made the right play. You have to take a stand sometime and it was
getting to that time. Next time you'll win it.
Making a big announcement regarding the Saturday freeroll on the other thread.
There were five prizes in the Brantford super satellite that Bill and I played in.
The Deep Stack with 15,000 starting chips on Thursday sold out as usual. For the second time that I've seen, Brantford oversold; as soon as one lady was eliminated early from my table, an extra stack was put in her seat. I saw several friends who made the blunder of not buying their entry by phone before midnight, and they drove all the way there but it was sold out. Here is one hand.
Player #1 raises. Player #2 in LP calls. Player #3 3-bets all-in. Both players call, so it's a three-way all-in.
:ac :jh
:ad :qd
:as :ah
:kd :jd :6c :10d
Live poker is rigged.
BlondeFish;378040 wroteThere were five prizes in the Brantford super satellite that Bill and I played in.
The Deep Stack with 15,000 starting chips on Thursday sold out as usual. For the second time that I've seen, Brantford oversold; as soon as one lady was eliminated early from my table, an extra stack was put in her seat. I saw several friends who made the blunder of not buying their entry by phone before midnight, and they drove all the way there but it was sold out. Here is one hand.
Player #1 raises. Player #2 in LP calls. Player #3 3-bets all-in. Both players call, so it's a three-way all-in.
:ac :jh
:ad :qd
:as :ah
:kd :jd :6c :10d
Live poker is rigged.
Your :as :ah can't always hold up :)
Congrats to Big Bobby - who is my bodyguard & #1 in Brantford winnings - for winning the Deep Stack.
pokerJAH;378053 wroteYour :as :ah can't always hold up :)
Played the $130 satellite at BCC last night. We had 24 players so 4 seats and $440 for 5th place. We made a deal when we got to 5 and we each chipped in $22 to effectively give 5th place enough to buy a seat. Ironically it was the chip leader who took the cash and me as the short stack took first place since I was able to get to the desk first! Didn't get my picture taken though :(
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Bill Efremidis
I was also there. I'm sorry we didn't meet. I was at table 7 when there was only
2 tables left. I was the old guy with the long hair, beard and glasses.
You weren't the guy with the mustache and 2 A's that beat me, were you or were
you playing at table 8 that Greg was playing at ?
I was at that table too. I was in seat 8. Middle aged guy with black tshirt and short hair and goatee.
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