Monoxide;379735 wroteyeah I hope the future of online poker is bitcoin related payment processing, in terms of worldwide poker sites with NO country restrictions and NO taxations, that is the future.
The key is finding the most basic user friendly and accessible method for fish and other rec players to be able to find these sites and understand how the deposit/withdraw method works.
I myself still havnt used bitcoin. But, I understand that soon it will be the only thing left that is truly free for the consumer to not get ass raped by the exuberant taxes that Canada, and others, will try to impose. Fuck the greedy old bastards that run this world.
Id like to say it would be, and generally functuion on the extreme side in that regard (apparently) :p But more likely (or realistically), the peoples have a good option and governments will adjust as far as they can to control it, the balance between the two will still remain favorable though I think.
You are correct about user friendliness, up until now it hasn't been the focus of the bitcoin community because there were still some potential hiccups to be worked out. But these days almost daily new projects are announced and new projects go live that are INCREDIBLY user friendly.
U can get bitcoin on some sites within a couple minutes without even really having a wallet. You can send or receive bitcoin via text with some business models. Toronto or somewhere in the east just installed a bunch of bitcoin atms (
CAVIRTEX Brings Bitcoin ATMs to Canada's Malls and Tourist Spots). It comes in waves, I had to learn (be told many times) it can't happen all at once :mad:
I just tested a bitcoin site where you can lock your bitcoins and peg it to gold silver or USD, whichever you feel is most stable which is a key concern for many people and businesses. It took seconds to set up, and I locked some bitcoin to the USD with a click (I don't have anything significant. )
85FastLane;379742 wroteWould really like to know the source of this. Seems like pretty thin hearsay.
It makes no logical sense that Amaya would go through everything they have and PokerStars make the statements they have only to suddenly shut out Canada. I'm still confident PokerStars will be around for a while yet.
If the acquisition was going to force these two poker sites out of Canada, it would have happened the moment the deal was finally completed a couple of weeks ago (the day PokerStars dropped branding from Montreal Festival).
I agree they would just toast their image, and poker is very networked. They act like they have the players confidence but mostly cause if you bash them too hard on the main forum you'll get "asked to stop"
And I don't see much of a guarantee they'll make it in the US market, at least not in any expedited time-frame. I have to feel like they are banking on staying in but I'm not arguing with Jontm, more just smacking my forehead hoping they aren't that mean. But ya we got options, things will just take time to work their way out.