Hi guys,
We are looking to hold a poker tourney as a fundraiser for my sons hockey team in Guelph. Our team has never done this before. Can you give me any advice, tips and suggestions on what to do/not to do?
We were looking at hiring a company to run it for us. Have you been to tourney's like this? If so, what was good, bad etc?
Thanks very much,
contact dr johnny nitro on this forum. he runs these charity events as his business.
Make sure you advertise the tourney on this forum. There is a lot of players in that area.
You guys rock. Thanks! I have emailed Dr. Johnny.
We are looking at holding the tourney on Sat, Sept 20th in Guelph.
I know Rocky from York Region Poker League hosts tournaments as well but he is located in Newmarket. Not sure if he will go all the way to Guelph?